2012年9月26日 星期三

RAID!! Gold Smashed to $1738


Gold and silver were greeted with waterfall declines on today’s COMEX open, as surprisingly, gold received the brunt of the cartel’s attack.
Silver was smashed from $33.90 under $33.25, while gold was driven down more than $25 in minutes from $1765 to $1738.

Now that the metal’s upward momentum has stalled after large rallies over the past few weeks, the cartel is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the futures market to keep silver under $35 and gold under $1780.

An inverse head and shoulders formation has already formed in the wake of the attack on silver:

5 則留言:

  1. Macy朋友說美國QE3後金銀價會有一段短期的跌浪出現,之後超通又會把商品價格包括金銀價再推上更高更高,如果可以趁金銀價有所回吐買多些實貨也不失為一件美事哩 !!^^

  2. 回Macy,
    金銀去到高位, RSI 去到頂, 所以要調整 :)

  3. 回Lisa姐,
    謝謝指導,Macy仍然未清楚何時升何時會調整,所以要向Lisa姐多多學習學習 !!^^

  4. 回Macy,
    我都是唔知金價幾時升和幾時謫整, 睇住自己手上現金來買就是啦 XD !

  5. 回Lisa姐,
    Macy會量力而為了,謝謝 !!^^
