2012年10月18日 星期四

Australian Gold Sales to China Soar 900%

佢講緊我地呀 !


While Congress argues over labeling China a currency manipulator, China is busy continuing to massively increase their physical gold and silver reserves. The Australian reports that Aussie gold exports to China have soared a mind-blowing 900% over the first 8 months of 2012 to $4.1 billion as Chinese buyers are hoarding the precious metal.

Sales soar 900pc as China makes grab for Aussie gold
GOLD has soared past coal as Australia’s second most valuable physical export to China, with sales up a whopping 900 per cent for the first eight months of the year, bringing in $4.1 billion.

Chinese buyers are hoarding the precious metal amid a slowing economy, property-buying restrictions and uncertain financial markets as its central bank increases its holdings.

3 則留言:

  1. 以前買鴉片八國聯軍流出去的金銀現在開始流番入來啦

  2. 回阿man,

    在金融海嘯後, 我都說過中國乜仇都報曬, 因為依家最唔掂是歐美國家 !
