2012年10月25日 星期四

Gold is going to and through $3500


The legendary Jim Sinclair sent an email alert to subscribers tonight advising readers that QE∞ cannot stop even temporarily or the dollar would collapse due to the economic implications. 
Sinclair states the current bullion bank generated corrections in the metals are nearing completions, and guarantees that gold will trade above $3,500/oz. 

From Jim Sinclair:
1. The entire reason that I launched into the explanation of spread trading was to demonstrate how it is used to manipulate markets.
2. Recognizing the multiple blocks at $1775 and $1800, it was obvious a line was being drawn in the sand.
3. In that market situation a reaction was reasonable to anticipate.
4. I wanted to drive home to you the fact that all the market drama as seen today is manufactured by the gold banks.
5. QE cannot stop or the economic implosion would blow up your computer screen.
6. If some nitwit Chairman tried to stop QE you would have a few days of dollar strength followed by a collapse of the currency based on the economic implications.
7. Then gold’s highest possible estimates would come into focus as the downward spiral already in place in the Western world did in fact present itself as a black hole.
8. The event horizon to a total collapse is QE to infinity, as was anticipated.
9. QE’s focus is to prevent financial balance sheet collapse both privately and publicly internationally.
10. Jobs are only created the way Roosevelt did it, and that was by Federal invention of jobs if required when conditions are as they are now. Remember the conservation corp and all the make-work jobs that were invented in the 30s?
11. The thought that any candidate can change the present situation is intellectual garbage of those who do not even know there is economic law. Once violated, those laws brings consequences.
12. This, like all reactions, will be completed when it is completed, and that will be soon.
13. You could see the spread cartel working all day.
14. Do not be stampeded into turning over your gold investments to the greedy shorts now open mouthed and waiting like a wolf for its prey.
15. Simply ignore this, taking my hand in the knowledge that this is no different from the many similar plays made by exactly the same people all the way from $248 to the $1900s.
16. Email me if you are confused or simply need my help.
17. I will personally return your communications, answering your questions.
18. Gold is going to and through $3500 and those that find this humorous are the same people that laughed and scorned me at $529.40 when I told you that the very long term breakout had occurred, the strongest magnet among all was $1650 and gold would trade there and above.

Please shut off your quote machine and email me before your emotions drive you wild and directly into the mouth of the wolf, the short spreader.


