2012年10月12日 星期五

Wynter Benton Group States Will Demonstrate Ability to Move Silver Beginning 10/16

10月16日後有戲睇, 銀價可能會俾推上 50美元 !


Wynter Benton, the group who claim to be former JPM commodities traders with a grudge against Blythe Masters, and who recently stated that MF Global was pulled to prevent the group from standing for delivery in silver and that silver will trade above $50 by the end of 2012 has posted another statement.
The group claims that beginning Tuesday 10/16, the group will demonstrate their ability to move the price of silver by updating their moves in REAL TIME, and advise silver investors to hold onto their seats!

October 16 to October 23, 2012

By wynter_benton . Oct 10, 2012 10:58 AM 
The Leader wishes to inform our followers that the group will be demonstrating our ability to move the price of silver between October 16 to October 23, 2012.
We will be updating our moves in real time during this period. Hold on to you seats because what you are about to see will dwarf what we did in February 2011.
….do da, do da…..
Sentiment: Strong Sell(JPM)

6 則留言:

  1. 是否真的可以做到存在疑問 ? 如果真係會這麼容易把價錢抬高還公開指出期限,相信一定有人會混水摸魚去投機順勢炒作,期限過左價錢可能會比現在更低 !!

  2. 回Macy,
    呢班人在2011年試過把銀價推去近50美元, 之後 MFG爆煲銀價才跌咗落來 !
    呢件事當時 168朋友都有討論, 不過依家無人提起 !

    如果呢次銀價可以去到近50美元, 一定會回, 因為是第二次沖上去, 但可能唔會再見26啦, 而會在 40樓上行, 我估 !
    第三次沖才是關鍵, 到時可能會在 50樓上行 !

    妳可以唔信的 :)

  3. 只要有政幫手,推高唔難做到!

    我想法和lisa 姐接近,但兩次冲位時間上距離會變得較短,我想第二次會是今年尾出年头,第三次就會破50應該安排在13年尾配合一些地區性軍事冲特。

  4. 今次就算銀價上..45-46是差不多啦....

  5. 回Lisa姐,
    多謝Lisa姐回覆,其實Macy不是不信,只是有疑問罷了,因為時間上太短促,銀價要升咁多相信投入資金應該不少才可抵抗阻力位,而Macy和Lisa姐及各位達人睇法一樣亦相信當銀價升高後會有調整出現,如果他們可以推高銀價賺錢何需說給他人知,為他人製造投機賺錢的機會呢 ?


    不過是何原因也好,Macy和各達人買的是實金實銀都是保障將來可能出現的危機,有平貨又有可以動用的現金買了就當儲蓄,對升升跌跌也不會看太重可以了 !!^^

  6. 其實要推升並不太難,反而打壓才難~~
