2012年12月1日 星期六

Gerald Celente - Gold, Silver & The Top Trends For 2013

將來已是本人孫仔孫女的世界 !


Today top trends forecaster Gerald Celente gave King World News an exclusive look at his top trends for 2013, as well as a sneak peek at his upcoming Winter Trends Journal.  Celente also spoke about gold and silver.  Celente is the founder of Trends Research, and the man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in the world.

Here is what Celente had to say:“Eric, this is one of the huge, huge trends that is going to shape the future.  And no one knows how it’s going to look yet.  What trend forecasters do is we identify the trends, we see the dangers and the opportunities, the upsides and the downsides.”

Gerald Celente continues:

“This trend is one that everyone should really study, I believe, because it’s going to show what the future is going to look like.  And also how to, if you are inclined to, get in that kind of business of ‘New Millennium Education.’

“The computer revolution, the internet revolution, for all intents and purposes, began about 1994.  And by the way, when you heard President Obama credit Bill Clinton with creating 23 million jobs during his Presidency, it wasn’t because Al Gore invented the internet.

That’s why it happened.  It wasn’t government created these jobs, it was the internet revolution.  I’m saying that because trends are born, they grow, mature, reach old age and die.  This trend is still really only in its early growth stages.  So what does that mean?

When you look at little kids today, they have a whole new learning process than the rest of us.  They have their handhelds, they are wired in so many different ways that people never could have imagined.  Their whole learning process is different.

You see what’s happened to the book industry, there are virtual books and virtually nobody reads them anymore.  So the whole learning process is different.  The education process that we have in place is modeled after the industrial revolution.

I’ve been writing about this for years.  It was told to you to learn what everyone else was learning and follow orders and obey rules so that when you go into the corporate workplace or the industrial workplace you knew how to follow orders and complete tasks.

This is a new age that’s happening now and no one knows how to really tie into it.  We’re going to see ‘Interactive U’ at levels no one has ever dreamed of before.  But more important than that, a whole new learning process because these kids are on a trip of their own and the adults don’t know how to look at it yet and translate it into new education opportunities.  To us this is going to be huge.”
Celente had this to say about gold and silver:  “We know that it’s being manipulated.  I’m not saying that as a conspiracy theorist.  They (central planners and banks) were rigging the interest rate game for years.  If they could rig the interest rate game, you think they are rigging the gold and silver markets?

Everybody knows that the more money they print, whether it’s outright monetary transactions or quantitative easing, they are debasing the currencies.  Gold and silver should be 50% higher than they are now.  The only reason they are keeping the price down, I believe it’s totally manipulated. 

But they are not going to be able to keep it down forever.  I would assume we are going to see precious metals see that 30%, 40%, 50% rise next year.”

