2012年12月31日 星期一

Jim Willie: The Coming Isolation of the US Dollar

文章說, 美元將會俾人遺棄, 而實金實銀是最終救生艇 ! 

因為文章太長, 所以唔會全貼過來, 須自行去睇 !

www.silverdoctors.com 全文

By Jim WillieGoldenJackass.com

The typical human reaction to any infection, vermin, danger, or toxicity is to stand back, to isolate the agent, to trap it, to prevent its further spread or release, then to remove it in a safe secure way if possible using trained professionals. Eventually decisions must be made on the level of acceptable risk on the removal, like what is willing to be lost or damaged or killed in the process. Risk analysis, cost trade-offs, and minimization decisions must be evaluated and executed. The toxic agent in global trade, global banking, and global bond market is the USDollar. In 2009, the Jackass began making a certain firm point. Those nations that depart from the entire USDollar system early will be the leading nations in the next chapter, with stronger foundations, richer solvency, emerging economies, healthier financial markets, efficient credit engines, growing wealth, stronger political helm activity, and better functioning systems generally. Imagine a contaminated blood system that infects, corrupts, and destroys all interior organs from the spread of the toxin. Those nations that stick with the crumbling USDollar system stubbornly will find a horrible fate with devastating effects, rampant economic damage, broken financial markets, sputtering credit engines, tremendous loss of wealth, wrecked supply lines, poverty spreading like wildfire, ruined political structures, social disorder, isolation from the rest of the world, and a fast ticket to the Third World. That is EXACTLY what is happening in the last several months. A division has begun, as the East has been busily installing the next generation platforms, as related to trade, banking, and commercial integration.


The division between East and West actually accelerated when the extremely ill-advised decision for Iran sanctions was made by an increasingly desperate United States Govt and its handler on the Southern Med. The division continues, matures, and develops with each passing month. It has become a story, as the Eurasia trade zone concept has been born. It has a long way to go, but Asia however has made great strides lately in unifying commerce. The climax event of the Asian trade zone conference held in Vietnam could not have been more important, as they rejected the US-led plan. The Asians partners and players even rejected the United States from the entire Asian trade zone, but did include Australia and New Zealand. The incredibly stupid naive US-led plan, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, attempted to create a trade zone with Asia which would have blocked China. Imagine the incredibly obtuse blockheaded maneuver of trying to have all of Asia not conduct facilitated trade with China, its leading trade partner.Talk about shooting both legs and genital region with a double barreled shotgun! This is the signal flare of US political stupidity that has turned highly destructive for the USEconomy and its people. Such failed leadership and counter-productive initiatives will push the US into the Third World even faster than previously thought possible. The isolation is firming quickly. Most of Asia does not wish for strong trade ties with the United States, most likely since they do not see mutual benefit. They see a ravaging appetite to grab capital.

12 則留言:

  1. happy new year,希望你家人來年健健康康!

  2. 謝 Joe :)
    我都祝你合家平安健康 !

  3. 我會相信金銀長遠升值能力, 但我覺得只要美國軍事力能無減弱, 佢地係唔會容許其他人唔買軍票(美元).

  4. 祝Lisa姐新年快樂!平安健康伴一生!

  5. 謝 free :)
    我都祝你平安健康 !

  6. 回佳,
    大家等大戲上演吧, 美元最終要跌 !

  7. 祝Lisa姐和各位達人2013年新年快樂,心想事成^^

  8. 我都祝 Macy 新年快樂, 夢想成真 :)

  9. 謝 Yan :)
    祝妳金銀滿屋 !

  10. 祝您在新的一年身心健康,幸福連年,金銀豐收!

  11. 謝街坊 :)
    我都祝你今年龍精虎猛, 幸福快樂 !
