2013年2月21日 星期四


外國如是, 香港也是, 因為多咗好多新人 !


My Experience today in LCS—
Today 2/20/13, as part of my weekly Phyzz accumulation of at least 4 oz Silver a week…I hit my favorite LCS…..

Empty show case. Told no Silver ASE available for at least a week. Told -Sold Out- of Gold coins too.

Nonchalantly said, “Was thinking maybe people might be panic selling??” The reply I got was very interesting. Dealer said, “Are you kidding? No one is selling. In fact, I’ve seen more first time customers today and yesterday than in a long long time. And had to turn most of them away.”
So, I pushed on to a different LCS…one that is a little more expensive, but gives a better buy price…thinking it’d be full of panicked sellers.


I have never seen the place empty.

Have never been there when I couldn’t get a Gold Eagle or Gold Buffalo.

But none there available today.

Asked about a tube of ASE.

Sold out he says.

I see about 20 Canadian Grizzly from the Wild Life Series in the show case; First time my eyes have ever actually seen one. Guy say they picked them up yesterday only Silver they bought back lately.

Interesting I think to myself.

So how much for one of these, I inquire pointing at the Girzzly. You can have ‘em for $49 a piece he says…..I know that’s a fair price…but spot was at $28.50 as I walked in—and say, “I’d like to have one, but that’s too rich for my blood”….and leave another LCS with buying anything…..

8 則留言:

  1. 今天出開沙田,見金價跌,入中銀買金貓,但得一個1/4oz, 本來想多買2個 1 oz 金貓,算啦,照殺。

  2. kelvin 買咗好多金貓啊 :)

  3. 太太,小朋友喜歡嘛。

  4. 回kelvin,

    熊貓金幣是一排排由廠出來的, 而一排貨, 會有一個label 條的, 而呢個 label 條, 只會黐在一個幣上, 通常會是頭或尾 !

  5. 明白,謝謝。

  6. 回kelvin,

    是真貨的保証 XD !
    我都有一枚有呢張紙仔 !

  7. 希望金銀再跌啦,我想入多小小金幣銀幣,哈哈哈。
