2013年2月11日 星期一



What are Drones?

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), also known as drones, are aircraft either controlled by ‘pilots’ from the ground or increasingly, autonomously following a pre-programmed mission.

While there are dozens of different types of drones, they basically fall into two categories: those that are used for reconnaissance and surveillance purposes and those that are armed with missiles and bombs. The use of drones has grown quickly in recent years because unlike manned aircraft they can stay aloft for many hours (Zephyr a British drone under development has just broken the world record by flying for over 82 hours nonstop); they are much cheaper than military aircraft and they are flown remotely so there is no danger to the flight crew.


US Government to Use Drones in Hunt for Ex-LAPD Christopher Dorner 

The UK Daily Express has reported (noted that it’s a UK publication reporting the loss of liberties for Americans, not CNN, ABC, CBS, or even Faux news) that the US government will use drones against an American civilian for the first time in the man-hunt for Christopher Dorner.

美國可能會用無人駕駛飛機追捕殺人警,而早排說過美國已通過法案, 可以在任何地方追殺任何犯法的美國公民, 不須經審判 !

無人駕駛飛機可以有鏡頭(手機常用鏡頭)和/或有煙霧彈和膠彈 ! 
而上戰場的無人駕駛飛機可以持有炸彈 !

所以大家須留意呢種新武器的發展 !

