2013年3月20日 星期三

Cyprus Rejection Sets Up A Crash In Markets

大戶過招, 散戶好多都見唔到 !

其實 Cyprus 呢件事, 只是 IMF 和俄國的暗鬥, 而 Cyprus 政府驚人身安全, 所以否決咗, 使俄國贏咗一仗 ! 

Martin Amstrong 有說, 只要俄國想做, 可以在一星期內接管成個歐洲 ! 將來世界兩大勢力是中國和俄國 !

如果 IMF 的勢力可以俾人破解, 就可以破到 NWO 的陰謀 !


Today Nigel Farage told King World News the Cyprus government officials would vote out of fear to save their own lives and that’s exactly what happened.  Farage, who is Britain’s popular MEP, told KWN that what just happened in Cyprus is much bigger than the Icelandic revolt, and that it has now set up a crash in markets.  Here is what Farage had to say in this extraorindary interview:  “Even my direst predictions about what the bureaucrats in Brussels would do to prop-up the failing eurozone crisis, even I didn’t predict they would resort to theft, and that is all you can call this.  It is theft.  It is the breach, of course, of their deposit guarantee they put in place in 2008.”

“And perhaps on a higher level it’s actually a breach of the basic principle of the rule of law, which is one of the governing functions of the whole of our Western civilization.  So it is a truly astonishing thing that they (central planners) have done.

Have they thought through the consequences of this?  Because if you do it once (steal from bank depositors) in one eurozone country, what’s to stop you from doing it again in another eurozone country?....

“We’ve got big countries like Spain and Italy where there are some very serious problems.  And I’ve got to tell you, if I was, as several hundred thousand Brits are, retired, living down in Spain to enjoy the sunshine and I had seen what has happened in Cyprus, I tell you what I would do, I would get my money out (of Spanish banks) pretty damn quickly.”

Eric King:  “Jim Sinclair described this as one of the most important events in history.  This theft you are talking about, Nigel, has people frightened.  They don’t know if their money is safe in banks anywhere.  What is going to prevent a government from stealing the money?  Does this have the potential to turn into an onslaught of unstoppable bank runs?”

Farage:  “I think as far as the eurozone is concerned, yes it does.  What assurance can Draghi, from the European Central Bank, Barroso, from the European Commission, Van Rompuy, the President of the European Council, what assurance can they now give anybody living in the eurozone that they won’t come after their money?

It’s like crossing a line isn’t it?  Once you’ve crossed the line and killed somebody, killing the next person becomes easier.  And they’ve crossed the line and stolen money from deposit holders and savers.  There is nothing to stop them from doing it again.  I actually think this is the worst mistake they have yet made in this eurozone crisis and I don’t see any way back.”

Eric King:  “It’s even more complicated than that, Nigel, because a lot of the KGB money is over in Cyprus.  It’s been there for a long time, a great deal of ex-KGB money that’s over there.  They’ve positioned their money there (in Cyprus).  That’s their Switzerland if you will.  So this became very complicated very quickly for the IMF and the people that pulled this stunt.”

Farage:  “Part of the thinking was to give the Russians a kicking ... But put yourself in the position of a Cypriot Member of Parliament, what do you do?  Do you vote on the one hand to destroy your banking industry, or on the other, to default on the European Union?” 

Eric King:  “The downside to them personally, Nigel, because people are frightened for their lives over there.  They are afraid of retaliation, and should be, from the ex-KGB agents and Russian leadership including Putin.”

Farage:  “That’s right.  And we’ve (already) seen some unpleasant Russian shootings and poisonings going on in London over the last couple of years ... So one does wonder, when it comes to this vote in the Cypriot Parliament, whether fear may be quite an important factor.”

Eric King:  “Nigel, it just hit the wire that the Cypriot government officials voted for the safety of themselves and their families, in fear of the Russians, and have turned this down.  Is this Iceland II?  What’s happening here?”

Farage:  “I think the implications of this are much bigger than Iceland ... This is much more serious than that because what you are facing here is a country being forced out of the euro.  And once one country goes, it will expose, through the Target 2 system, that Germany is owed vast sums of money by the central banks of the Mediterranean countries.

That is why, up until now, Merkel has been so desperate not to let Greece leave the euro.  Because she knew that if Greece left that it would bring the whole house of cards crashing down.

Now I know that Cyprus is small, and it’s only a country with about 800,000 people, but the Cypriot Parliament effectively said, ‘We are leaving the euro.’  There is a very real risk that this knocks-on, and brings about a crash, not just in the euro, but in several banks across the European Union.  So we are at a very, very critical juncture.”

Farage also added: “I cannot believe this (move to steal money) could have been thought through.  Frankly, if you would have asked me on Friday before the announcement, ‘What’s the worst thing you could possibly do that would trigger a run on the banks?’  Well, that’s what they did.”

Here is a small portion of what Farage had to say regarding the impact on the gold market: “Gold has to be a significantly good bet now that we’ve seen that governments are prepared to behave in a way that demolishes our trust in the entire banking system.  Yes, we could be ready for the next phase of the bull market in gold, and this could be the big one.”


The Next Danger After Putin Crushed IMF In Cyprus

Today legendary trader Jim Sinclair warned King World News that Putin’s decisive victory in Cyprus over the IMF has left the IMF one misstep away from destabilizing and creating massive bank runs throughout the entire Western world.  Sinclair, who was once called on by former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker to assist during a Wall Street crisis, had this to say in this extraordinary and exclusive KWN interview:

Sinclair: “The concept that our financial leaders are in some sense geniuses that foresee the future and calculate every move based on their ability to divine what will be the result of their actions, is absolutely false.  The IMF made a massive mistake here.

The IMF has now put itself into a very difficult position.  The IMF must now support Cyprus, even in the face of the rejection of the attempted confiscation of partial bank deposits, or let the Cyprus banking system seek its own solutions to its banking problems, which would be Russian Corporations, or Russia itself.

If Russia was to save the Cyprus banking institutions, then, basically, a sovereign nation has trumped the IMF....

“I believe this is unacceptable to the IMF because it would mean that the IMF would not carry the clout which it has carried over the years as a group of many nations.  If one nation can turn the switch ‘off’ against the IMF, it’s going to be very hard to turn that switch back ‘on’ at the IMF.

This now rejected proposal of a tax on depositors was a total shift in strategy that had existed so far in the rescue operations of banks.  If you change your strategy, you break a promise because you have acted in a certain way where all other major nations are concerned.

If continually over years you have a strategy, and then all of the sudden decide that, well, Cyprus is too small or that the Russians are not in your league socially, and you let Cyprus go on its own and Russia makes the repair, the IMF loses by having broken a promise.

You create promises with nations not necessarily by your word, but most certainly by your actions.  The actions up to now have been consistent in that no depositors would be injured.  The central banks have worked together, either through swaps or through direct actions in order to meet any and all contingencies.  That simply cannot stop now, especially in light of what’s just happened in Cyprus.

If there is a spread to other smaller countries of the fear of confiscation from the depositors in order to meet the obligations of their errant banks, you will begin bank runs everywhere.”

Eric King:  “Can the IMF recover from this?”

Sinclair: “Yes, but it will be very difficult.  The IMF only has once choice if it wishes to remain the spokesperson monetarily for the world, and that choice is to rescue the Cyprus banking system, exactly the same way they treated Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc.”

Eric King:  “How much of a victory is this for Putin and Russia?”

Sinclair:  “It’s a huge victory.  Even though most people won’t understand it, those people who make decisions will, and do very well understand it.  Putin has faced down the International Monetary Fund, which by the way is located in Washington, DC, and is in fact Washington itself.  So in the sense of a Cold War, you have Washington vs Moscow, and Moscow won this round.”

Sinclair also added:  “There is no question now that there is a paradigm shift in gold toward the physical market.  A paradigm shift in the longevity of the paper futures markets, which as I said before will now move towards a physical market.  The West will end up losing control of the ability to manipulate the gold market much sooner as a result of this debacle in Cyprus.

I remember back in the 1970s there was the assumption that the bullion banks were geniuses, and that under no circumstances did they ever make a mistake in anything they participated in.  That was absolutely false then as much as it is now.

Back in 1979 when the gold price broke over $400 for the second time, I had been under pressure because I was the buyer the first time gold broke over $400, and subsequently down gold went.  Well, in came the Middle-East to the gold market. 

The minute I saw the Middle-East come in to the gold market I bought back every gold contract I had sold to protect myself and then doubled my position which literally sent the gold banks into total and absolute retreat.  They had been overrun.  Gold then moved from that roughly $400 area in late 1979 to $887.50 at the beginning of 1980, gaining the most over the shortest period of time in the entire 1970s bull market. 

Right now we have had a significant change in the world financial landscape and paradigm.  The fact that Russia has faced down the IMF is not any different from the day I faced down the gold banks in late 1979.  What I believe this means for gold is that its slavery to the Fed is over and it’s on its way to freedom from US manipulation.

The important point here, besides the fact that what we have just witnessed is a clear and decisive Russian victory and an IMF defeat, what is absolutely crucial is for investors to understand that a wrong decision by the IMF here could create runs on banks throughout the entire Western world that make the likes of what we have seen previously in Greece and Spain look likes child’s play.

What I am saying is that another major mistake here by the IMF could destabilize the entire Western financial world in such a way that it simply could not recover without unprecedented turmoil and destruction.  The bottom line here is Lagarde took on Putin, but Putin has checkmated both her and the IMF the same way a Russian grandmaster chess player would destroy his opponent.”

Sinclair also predicted: “Cyprus cannot, will not, absolutely must not leave the euro.  They know that quite well.  So the break of the euro market down into the 1.28 area must have sent shock waves through decision-makers in euro land.  Cyprus must be rescued because they cannot be allowed to leave the euro.  In the end, however, all of this will create a demand for other alternative ways of being able to support the value of money, and gold will benefit enormously from it.”


4 則留言:

  1. 應該冇可能吧, 佢地都應該埋左堆. 只不個總部/視線由一個地方去到另一個地方, 慾望是相同的吧。

  2. http://www.imf.org/external/about.htm

  3. 鬼叫IMF係俾西歐美國等大國操縱嘅傀儡咩!
