2013年3月30日 星期六

I Went To Sleep Friday A Rich Man, I Woke Up Poor

以為手持一千萬至兩千萬就可以財務自由的人須讀以下故事 !


So much has been written of the Cypriot bail-ins and massive haircuts for the uninsured depositors - assumed to be nasty oligarchic Russian money-launderers - that, it appears, the reality for people living in Cyprus has been forgotten. We noted earlier the small business issues, but as the Sydney Morning Herald reports, real lives have been destroyed. 65-year-old John Demitriou retired (back) to the picturesque fishing village of Liopetri, Cyprus, with his life-savings of around $1 million living off the interest it paid from Laiki 'Popular' Bank and spending it on his grandchildren. He was in no hurry to invest it; to spend it on big purchases.
Then, after being told just last week by his bank manager, "there's no problem, nothing to worry about," he so painfully notes, "I went to bed Friday as a rich man. I woke up a poor man," as Laiki's depositors over EUR100,000 were devastated thanks to the bail-in. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs notes, "there is no need for special measures," to help John (or the other 5000 Cypriot-Australians on the island) as he exclaims, "it's not Russian money; it's not black money; it's my money."

Via Sydney Morning Herald,
''Very bad, very, very bad,'' says 65-year-old John Demetriou, rubbing tears from his lined face with thick fingers. ''I lost all my money.''

John now lives in the picturesque fishing village of Liopetri on Cyprus' south coast. But for 35 years he lived at Bondi Junction and worked days, nights and weekends in Sydney markets selling jewellery and imitation jewellery.

He had left Cyprus in the early 1970s at the height of its war with Turkey, taking his wife and young children to safety in Australia. He built a life from nothing and, gradually, a substantial nest egg. He retired to Cyprus in 2007 with about $1 million, his life savings.

He planned to spend it on his grandchildren - some of whom live in Cyprus - putting them through university and setting them up. There would be medical bills; he has a heart condition. The interest was paying for a comfortable retirement, and trips back to Australia. He also toyed with the idea of buying a boat.

He wanted to leave any big purchases a few years, to be sure this was where he would spend his retirement. There was no hurry. But now it is all gone.

''If I made the decision to stay, I was going to build a house,'' John says. ''Unfortunately I didn't make the decision yet.

''I went to sleep Friday as a rich man. I woke up a poor man.''

His money was all in the Laiki ''Popular'' Bank which was the main casualty of Cyprus' bailout package set by the European Union. Laiki is to be dismantled. Savings of less than €100,000 are to move to the Bank of Cyprus. Anything more than that will almost certainly be wiped out as the bank is wound down, its remaining assets taken by the bank's creditors.

Last week he heard a rumour that the bank was in trouble and went into Aiya Napa to ask his bank manager - a friend - if he should move his life savings.

''There's no problem, nothing to worry about,'' he was told.

Not so. ''I go to bed and I can't sleep. I walk around, I have a coffee. I am thinking about my family.''

John's tears flow. As he chokes up, his son George, who moved to Cyprus in 1990, explains.

''The whole family, we used to work at the markets. I would work at the markets on the weekend to help my parents while my mates were off having fun. Honest work in honest jobs. Now all that hard work is paying the debts of other people and the government. It's disgusting, to be honest.''

George says he can start again - if things get worse he and his family might move back to Australia.

''But not my dad. He can't go back to Australia. He is not allowed to fly because of his heart, and anyway where would he live? He has no house. He will have €100,000 left to live off. Soon he's not going to have a cent to his name.''

John has a thin hope. His money was sitting in the bank in Australian dollars instead of euros, so he wonders if it would be exempt from the bank's collapse. But the bank's doors are closed, so he doesn't even know to whom he should put that argument.

''For the moment I am 'sitting on charcoal', as they say,'' waiting to see if he gets burnt.

''It's not Russian money, it's not black money. It's my money.''

There are almost 5000 Cypriot-Australians on the island. Most are - or were - self-sufficient veterans of the 1950s engineering boom or the 1974 war who came back to retire or to be with family (John is looking after his 90-year-old mother).

This week Britain stopped paying pensions into Cypriot accounts, advising expatriates to open a British bank account instead.

Australia's high commission in Nicosia has already fielded inquiries from dual nationals seeking advice on their pensions. They were told to set up different payment arrangements, a spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

''We expect the main impact will be for Australians who have invested large sums in Laiki Bank or the Bank of Cyprus,'' she said. ''There is no need for special measures at this stage.''

16 則留言:

  1. 千萬對大部份香港打工仔來說仍然是很多錢來的!

  2. 如果個一千萬是放在銀行的存款或是股票就要小心啦, 有機會無咗一大舊 ! 好多有錢的人都貪 VIP 的待遇 !

  3. 很多窮人特然變有錢就會上當,真有錢佬精過鬼!

  4. VIP銀行戶口須要最少有一百萬存款, 所以已超出了存保的五十萬 !

  5. 回猛虎,
    你錯啦, 因為我真係見到有人用VIP戶口 XD !

  6. 我從來戶口只用最cheap那些,最緊要有網上理財就得!

  7. 還有個D股票一千萬倉, 我當初以為人地真係有一千萬股票, 原來只是個目標吧啦, 不過好多人都有幾百萬的股票 !
    如果好似個老伯咁, 退咗休先無曬 D 錢真是悲 !

  8. lisa.
    vip 户我都同緊。 好似我這些時常要兌錢同電匯是好好的。 因為個 rate 係好左。同人地匯錢俾我唔收手續費。小數拍長計。 不需户口有一百萬現金的。 我係mpf 一百萬一樣計^^所以一定唔會轉 mpf 自由行
    不過真係唔知退休有幾多mpf : (

  9. 回旺旺,

    我無 VIP戶口 !
    將來世界變成點都無人知, 不過睇來有好多危機咁, 而唔投資又唔等於唔會蝕錢, 只是錢貶值都可以影響大家的退休生活 !
    前幾年好多香港人拿住幾百萬去大陸退休, 而依家都唔夠用啦 !

    1. lisa
      所以理好自己的財好重要。我唔讚成全民退保的。 國內消費好貴。好多人係渣住幾十萬養老金上大陸。結果係番來攞公援

  10. 個D搞退保的人都幾搞笑, 以為俾每個老人家三、四千蚊就可以過一世, 遲下可能要一萬才夠用, 到時政府唔知要點變錢出來 ? 可能又要充公大家存款啦 !

  11. 回旺旺,
    係呀 !
    大家都唔想有日要去食公援 >.<

  12. 退休保障只係政客爭取選票既手段,同時又係好多人既利益所在。所以佢地真係好大聲夾惡大條道理。但真正明白經濟學原理及現今經濟問題既話就會知退保絕對是個死胡同!但一百萬人裡面又有幾多個真正明白!

  13. 回Koyuki Tang,
    歐洲國家死得就是因為福利太好 !
    在1983年我在荷蘭睇報紙都有寫, 因為人口老化, 將來政府的養老基金會唔夠用(當時老闆須代員工交養老金, 而自己都須代自己交錢俾政府), 建議大眾去買私人養老基金, 所以當時我在計算後, 決定走為上著 !
    估唔到香港政客以為搵到新天地去幫老人家, 就是大家攪住一齊死 !
    口說好憎共產黨, 其實呢樣同共產有何分別 ?

  14. 回Lisa:

  15. 回Koyuki Tang,
    終之香港有好多井底蛙, 以為外國月亮是圓的, 而見唔到依家外面發生緊的事 !
    歐美就快陸沉, 還好我地活在香港, 真係身在福中不知福 !
