2013年3月22日 星期五

The 224 Year Cycle Turns Tomorrow


With the ECB giving the ultimatum  for Monday for Cyrus to either raid everyone’s accounts robbing the average person for the political misconduct of creating the Euro in a half-ass manner, they are making the 224 year cycle precisely to the day. Cyprus will have no choice to turn to Russia and Russia would be stupid not to seize this opportunity to control the energy of Europe virtually entirely. You could not ask for a more brain-dead decision than what the ECB has just done.

see: March 22nd – Just Amazing


塞浦路斯存款稅引來怨聲載道,矛頭直指歐盟和德國,兩者隨即辯稱曾呼籲不應向小存戶開刀,只是塞方堅持要「一 視同仁」,如今稅案觸礁,塞國應負全責。渣打銀行行政總裁冼博德表示,塞國危機正好警醒世人,歐元區部分較弱國家的問題仍然根深柢固,歐債危機仍然纏繞歐洲。他表示,歐盟要求受援國向存戶開刀,帶來的後果將難以估計。



