2013年4月28日 星期日

趁低吸納 金價一周彈4%

再睇多次, 摩通沽金好似是真的 !

昨晚在睇呢份文章, 本來想貼不過因為太長, 所以放棄 ! 大家可以自去睇真相 :

Jamie Dimon Has Issues (or Meet The Idiot Selling Gold)

作者認為大笨蛋先會沽金俾東方國家可以乘機買平金 !

J P Morgan has fumbled ownership of 1,966,000 Troy ounces of gold since February 1.  That’s 74% more gold than the US mint delivered through its American Eagle program in all of 2012.  I mention this because there’s little doubt in my mind that the US government is one of JPM’s gold “customers.”  So (if I am correct) the same US government who just let the Morgue dump its gold on the COMEX floor will once again be suspending gold sales to peasants.
Maybe Jamie Dimon figures he’ll buy back all that gold on the cheap when the rest of the world realizes how smart he is.  Or maybe he’s once again displaying that his firm doesn’t have the slightest idea what “hedging” is and is teetering on the brink of collapse.  That would explain the April 11th meeting between President Obama and the Pig 5 bank CEOs, wouldn’t it?  And you just have to get a little misty that Lloyd Blankfein was nice enough to provide some hot-air cover for his competitor, don’t you?
One thing’s very clear: When it comes to selling physical gold, J P Morgan is acting alone.  The 130 contracts NOT delivered by JPM in the last three months (of which  110 were fromABN AMRO) are but a footnote.  If Jamie’s right, he’ll look like a genius in a few months, if not he should be able to recycle his quote regarding the infamous “London Whale” losses: “Just because we’re stupid, doesn’t mean everybody else was.”  Time will tell.

【本報綜合報道】期金價格上周五雖然跌市收場,但由於金價過去兩周跌幅驚人,吸引投資者及用家趁低吸納,現貨金及6月期金上星期全周均累升超過4%,現貨 金價重上每盎斯1,460美元水平。而期金全周升幅達4.2%,是五周以來首次錄得升幅。


金價上周五走勢反覆,由於美國首季國內生產總值(GDP)僅增長2.5%,較市場預期遜色,更有分析指這可能已是今年的亮點,令人擔心美國經濟增長勢頭不 能持續,加上數據肯定聯儲局仍然無法提早退市,刺激現貨金價呈強,一度升17.63美元至1,485.5美元的即市高位,惟尾市後勁不繼,收市跌 0.39%,報1,462.09美元。
此外,資深博客Mark McHugh引述芝加哥商品期貨交易所(CME)數據指,由2月1日至今的3個月,摩根大通共沽出近200萬噸黃金,佔實物金市場交易的99.3%,或為 今次金價大跌的元凶之一。他補充,摩通期間沽出的黃金數量,相等於美國鑄幣局去年發售鷹揚金幣總數的74%。

美股方面,由於大部份美企均公佈不錯的業績,道指及標普全周計分別累升1.1%及1.7%,報14712點及1582點,納指全周更升2.3%,報 3279點,主要受到重磅股微軟股價上升6.8%帶動,然而,納指今年以來僅升8.6%,仍跑輸升幅均逾一成的兩大美股指數。

3 則留言:

  1. 是否代表金價還會俾大鱷壓低來買返貨 ?
    會否在來緊假日造市 ?
    最好佢就在五一黃金假再沽低可以益來港買金飾的人 XD !


  2. 英文版提及的只是1966000 troy ounce

    蘋果的版本則是2000000metric ton

    32,150 troy ounces = 1 metric ton (1,000 kilos)
    32,150×2,000,000 metric tons
    =64,300,000,000 troy ounce
    咁摩根咪仲多過美國fort knox 的黃金儲備8500metric tons?

  3. 回Charen,
    係啊, 蘋果加咗個[噸], 是寫大咗, 應該是200萬盎司 !
