2013年4月15日 星期一


金低位 1356
銀低位 22.97


7 則留言:

  1. 連升左12年,大調整下,好合理!唔大調整,先至驚!

  2. What if physical market close down tomorrow? Shelves are empty with a price tag. If so, today is an important day in history, the gold window is closed, exit is shut.


  3. It seems that the LBMA and Comex are broke. There will never be any physical delivery. The sell-off is to driven away the paper buyers and settle the contracts. Before the LBMA and Comex default, something will happen and all trading would stop. Shanghai future exchange will take over and the price with RMB. The more they sell, the more we buy. I guarantee you will lose every US dime, but you can get RMB back.
