2013年4月11日 星期四

圓匯下挫 觸發日人賣金熱





另一個報告, 日本窮人賣金飾, 但富人買入金幣和金條 !

Soros’ yen “avalanche” would appear to have begun with the yen having fallen by 9.5% against gold in 5 trading days since last Thursday leading to record nominal highs in the yen at over 0.1577 million yen per ounce this morning.

The higher gold prices have led to a curious anomaly in Japan where the public has again been selling gold in cash for gold schemes, often due to being under financial pressure, while some Japanese investors and savers have diversified into gold coins and bars both of which have seen an increase in demand in recent days.
“We are seeing buyback from the general public,” a physical dealer in Tokyo told Reuters and there are reports of shortages of coins and bars and premiums increasing on bullion coins.

There are also reports of shortages of bullion coins and bars in Thailand and in Singapore where premiums on certain bullion coins which are legal tender and have favourable tax treatment, such as American gold and silver eagles, have risen due to tightness in the market and delays of three to four weeks for delivery.

7 則留言:

  1. 回Ansel Leung,

    日元買來做乜 ?

  2. 日元比美金仲廢,多國債,又無資源,貿易又逆差,有排跌!

  3. 買日本野同做儲蓄,我睇各國一定會迫日本升值,所以唔會跌太多


  4. 日本在自殺, 無前途, 小心 !
