2013年4月16日 星期二

Maguire - LBMA Default Triggered Gold & Silver Takedown

金銀價大跌, 都是多人提走實金實銀創的禍 !

所以你手上的實金實銀, 將來好值錢 !


With massive selling once again in the gold and silver markets, today whistleblower Andrew Maguire told King World News the reason for the recent takedown in gold and silver was because of an imminent LBMA default.  Here is what Maguire had to say in part II of this remarkable and exclusive interview.  

Maguire:  “Gold and silver only have this type of selling when there are extreme shortages of the physical metal.  I am totally aware that before this takedown occurred there was an imminent LBMA default.

We had already seen COMEX inventories plunging.  In 90 days COMEX inventories saw an incredible decline.  So immediately available physical gold was disappearing.  People around the world don’t understand what has been happening since Cyprus....

“Entities went to the LBMA and said, ‘We don’t trust anybody anymore.  We want our physical metal.’  They were told they would be cash settled instead by a bullion bank.  The Western governments have been trying to plug holes, and the reason for it has to do with the default that was taking place at the LBMA.

This is why this smash has been orchestrated because of the run that has been taking place on physical metal.  So Western governments had to do this because of an imminent run on the unallocated LBMA system.  The LBMA bullion banks had become so mismatched at one point on their trading positions vs real world demand that they had to orchestrate this smash.

This orchestrated smash in gold and silver was nothing short of a bailout for the bullion banks.  So there is a run on physical gold that is taking place and the Ponzi scheme the West is running is being threatened because of it.”

Maguire also added: “We are nearing the end of this decline.  Physical demand is already beginning to catch up with leveraged paper.  If gold were to trade into the low $1,300s it would be unsustainable for very long.”

17 則留言:

  1. 今日旺角恒生一個金幣都無!

    入咗枇杷膏lock 價先人

  2. 一早說過在多人買時無貨啦, 所以我寧願買貴D, 都唔會同人去爭, 會好累的 XD !

  3. 但而家好似全城搶貨,好恐怖,我見到ar 姐一錢都唔放過

  4. 上環利昌迫滿人,職員做到手軟,有個師奶買100兩,10幾疊金牛遞入去!見底?

  5. 真係全城恐慌, 唔係, 應該全球恐慌, 因為美國都無現貨啦 XD !
    Silver Doctors 賣銀部都關閉, 因為無貨賣啦 !
    似牛市二期呀 ! 回吐俾人買貨, 但沒去到全民瘋狂, 因為我老公還是對我黑面冷戰 ! XD !

  6. 回嘉芙蓮,
    到呢班人睇好金銀時, 就是牛三啦 XD !

  7. 今日真係我買幾年金銀,見到過最多唔知純金銀基本知識的人搶買貨的光境!
    有少少2008年前股市high high 時,呀婆呀叔都抽ipo時的境況。

  8. 回猛虎,
    還有好多人沒加入搶購行動呢, 所以將來會更加癲 !

  9. 我只可以說, 是2005年時的股市, 因為個時我決定暫停買股, 咁就升去2007年的牛三 XD !

  10. 馬沙兄,知你都係高手,但還是提聲paper lock價最好不要lock太耐,盡快換回實物,你都應該知以前有間銀行金價大幅波動而迫持倉者用銀行定的特價平倉。

  11. 而家全城低位搶金,好奇怪

  12. Smart Money !
    依家樓市在高位, 股市唔爭氣, 所以資金流入實金實銀, 而低位是難得的機會 !
    只睇我網誌愈來愈多人睇, 就知愈來愈多人轉對實金實銀有興趣 !

  13. 利昌賣金肯收cash? 新規呀? 呵呵呵

  14. 猛虎兄,

  15. 家下份工太忙, 只好買paper gold代替實金 XDD
