2013年4月20日 星期六

Refiners Can’t Keep Up With Massive Global Gold Demand

在網上還是見到太多的人在用睇紙金的眼光去睇實金, 所以金銀價報價跌, 佢地會笑得好開心, 以為投資黃金的人就來輸大錢, 而見唔到頭頂上的危機, 到醒覺時, 已是太遲 !

文章說: 呢次跌市只是發生在紙金紙銀市場, 因為實貨佢地公司一個賣家都無, 只有買家 ! 而聽說全球好多人排隊買實金實銀 ! 澳洲鑄幣廠 Perth Mint 須加生產來滿足需求, 而美國鑄幣廠一日內賣兩噸黃金, 四月已賣 4.6 噸黃金, 多過二月和三月的總和 !
瑞士的產金廠日夜開工都沒能趕起貨俾中東和遠東國家, 溢價也在爆升中, 所以可以証明, 實貨市場和紙金銀市場是兩回事來的 ! 真正的黃金市場是黃金實貨市場, 而已有五千年的歷吏 ! 紙金可以去返佢原本的價值, 就是好肯定是零 ! 來緊幾年, 實金和紙金的距離會愈來愈大至市場醒覺紙金市場不能提取實金, 紙金會跌去零, 而實金會升去你想唔到的高價 !


Today Egon von Greyerz spoke with King World News about the massive global demand for gold and the incredible strain it is putting on refiners.  Greyerz also talked about retail gold buyers queuing up all over the world.  Below is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, had to say in this tremendous interview.

Greyerz: “I will tell you some very important reasons why investors should not worry about the recent turbulence in the gold market.  First of all it was a smash in paper gold.  If you look at our company, as just one example, we did not have one single seller in the last few weeks.

So during this takedown in gold and silver there wasn’t one single seller, only buyers....

“KWN has reported that all over the world people are buying more physical gold and silver than ever.  We are hearing about retail buyers queuing up everywhere around the world.

The Perth Mint has had to increase production in order to meet demand.  On the 17th of April, just two days ago, the US Mint sold two tons of gold.  That’s in one day.  The total in so far in April is 4.6 tons of gold sold.  That’s more than the whole of both months of February and March.

If we turn to the Swiss refiners, Eric, the premium over spot for physical gold is rocketing.  Swiss refiners are unable to keep up with the demand for immediate delivery.  They are working flat out, including the weekend, and still can’t keep up.

The Swiss refiners are seeing global demand coming in from everywhere, especially from the Middle-East and the Far-East.  So, again, this proves that the artificial manipulation of paper gold has nothing to do with the physical market. 

The true gold market is only physical, and it’s been that way for 5,000 years.  Paper gold will eventually reach its intrinsic value, which is zero, that is guaranteed.  In the next few years the spread between physical gold will continue expanding until the market realizes that the issuers of paper gold cannot deliver.  At that point paper gold will go to zero, and physical gold will go to unimaginable levels.”

22 則留言:

  1. LISA ,希望看你发布一篇比较长的文章,因为平时看你给英文文章写的开头短短一两句中文序,就很精彩咯 !

  2. 回sam,

    因為本人中英文都有限, 所以唔識寫長文 XD ! 本人是讀荷文長大的 !
    而本人轉貼文章, 只想帶出, 就是普通人, 只要識去過慮新聞, 都可以搵到正確的投資路向 !
    依家網格世代, 網上大把資訊, 而外國文章一定要睇 !

  3. 下次写中文的序 ,写多两句咯 。我天天都有来的支持的 !

  4. 支持寫多兩句中文的!!

    有時趕睇就咁睇左中文果 part 就算 ^^"

  5. 我次次都淨係睇中文><,太太段好吃力

  6. 好, 我盡力貼文時加寫重要的 point 啦 XD !

  7. 太快了,實貨唔好甘快爆升呀@@

  8. Lisa 一直以來盡心盡力將寶貴的經驗和時間跟大眾分享,足夠一百分。I (we) really appreciate that !!

  9. 有一樣野令我好擔憂,而家我連打開蘋果,東方d財演都叫人買實金不要pager,同我既投資路向十分相似,感覺上好多同路人,好易出事

  10. 回Tang King,

    報紙肯寫真相是好事來的, 唔好似外國傳謀咁, 寫大鱷的心聲, 乜乜黃金已死 !

  11. Funy...


  12. 還有實金市場和紙金市場對對碰 !

  13. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-03-23/texas-wants-its-gold-back-fed


  14. Lisa姐,

  15. 回Gordon,
    富媽媽個網誌好耐之前不再啦 !
    大家都好掛念佢呢 !

  16. 我有個親戚幾十年前去荷蘭定居,廿幾年前我去探他時他送了個荷蘭女皇銀幣給我,那裡好像很推廣投資金銀.

  17. Refiners cannot produce gold coins or bars quick enough. Problem is whether they can replenish gold blanks from the market or not.

  18. 回阿man,

    荷蘭至到一九七幾年都有用真銀幣當錢幣用的, 而純度是 720, 之後俾政府收返唔再用真銀幣 !
