2013年4月24日 星期三

US Mint Sells Out, Halts Sales of Fractional 1/10oz Gold Eagles!

美國鑄幣廠停鑄賣1/10盎司鷹楊金幣, 但還會有1/4盎司, 1/2盎司和1盎司的鷹楊金幣出廠 ! 美國鑄幣廠說, 比起舊年, 佢地賣出的金幣升咗100% !

Silver Doctors 預計, 美國可能好快就會停止所有金銀幣的出產 !


The US Mint has just halted sales of fractional 1/10th oz gold eagles!  For now, sales continue for 1oz, 1/2 oz, and 1/4oz coins…although based on the fact that many wholesalers have already sold their next 2 months allocations forward and have now suspended sales, we suspect a complete halt for US mint gold and silver products is coming…and soon.

From Reuters:
The U.S. Mint has temporarily suspended sales of its one-tenth ounce American Eagle gold bullion coins because of inventory depletion due to strong demand, but continues to offer the one-ounce, one-half ounce and one-quarter ounce coins.

In a memo to its authorized purchases late Monday, the Mint said that gold coins sales in total ounces has been up more than 100 percent year to date over the same period last year.

5 則留言:

  1. why do they stop producing precious metal?

  2. 回kFckFc,

    因為個個都在爭奪實金實銀 !
    如果知將來實金實銀會好重要, 你又會唔會賣手上金銀 ?

  3. 家下立立亂,

  4. http://blogs.marketwatch.com/thetell/2013/04/22/gold-could-become-legal-tender-in-arizona/

  5. 回james chan,

    沒正式通過呢 !
