2013年5月6日 星期一

Gold, The Police State & More War

依家有三大泡沬 : 美股市泡沬、美債泡沬、美元泡沬 !
如果美元大跌, 入口價格會升, 但人民收入不升, 而依家美國六人之中一人已須依靠食物補貼 !
他們想打戰, 所以說Syria 有化武; 他們想軍管, 所以為捕一位19歲青年要用上一萬軍人和坦克, 所以估計他們想美國崩盤 !
他們使歐洲有麻煩, 所以歐羅不會是替代貨幣, 日元又大批印刷也不是替代貨幣,而人民幣沒自由兌換,所以如果你有美元,你會點 ?
如果大家都買實金實銀, 金銀價會大升, 所以FED要阻止大家去買金銀, 用紙金紙銀大手沽低金銀價格, 但買開的人一定繼續要實金實銀 !


Today a former US Treasury Official told King World News that central planners are driving the financial system into collapse as an excuse to increase the police state and create more wars.  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts also spoke about gold and the ongoing currency wars.  Below is what Dr. Roberts had to say in part III of his extraordinary series of written interviews which have now been released. 

Eric King:  “Dr. Roberts, when you look at the phony reports coming out and you see this artificial suppression of gold and silver, this desperation as you call it, where does that have us headed going forward?  What do you see happening in the future?”

Dr. Roberts:  “Well, there is obviously going to be a big blow up.  We have the three biggest bubbles in human history:  The stock market bubble, the bond market bubble, and the dollar bubble.

If the dollar were to drop sharply in its exchange value, the prices of imports would rise.  But the incomes of the people are not rising.  The won’t be able to keep up with the price rises, and you’ve already got a large percentage of the population now (one in six) on food stamps....

“They can barely get by as it is, so if they are faced with a sharp increase in inflation what do they do?  These kinds of problems should be foremost in getting attention, instead of the false claims that Syria is using chemical weapons.  In other words they just want to go to war.  They want more wars.  They want more (of a) police state.

That response in Boston, I mean it was absurd to have 10,000 troops and tanks on the streets looking for one 19 year old.  Close down an entire metropolitan area, one of our major cities, because they are looking for one kid?  What they are doing just shows a complete incompetence.  So I think they are driving it into collapse, and it would have already collapsed if there was a clear alternative, a clear currency alternative to the dollar.

But you see we (the central planners) keep the euro in trouble, and that hype goes on with all of the trouble in Europe.  So it (the euro) is not an alternative.  We now have the Japanese printing money as fast or faster than the Federal Reserve.  So the yen isn’t an alternative.  The Chinese currency is not yet fully convertible like it would have to be.  So I think on the whole that it can go on for some time.  People holding dollars, what are they going to do with them?

Now the minute they all decide to get gold and silver, well, then those prices will just go through the roof.  But that’s what I think the Federal Reserve is trying to prevent by the naked short selling in the paper (gold) market.  It’s to keep people unnerved about that, or (at least) keep most people unnerved about it.  Of course it doesn’t affect the people who have already caught on, they still want the bullion.”

