2013年5月25日 星期六

Suppliers & Bank Clients Denied Gold As Shortage Intensifies

Egon von Greyerz 說, 愈來愈多投資者在歐洲銀行買黃金收唔到實金 ! 有人去銀行說想睇下自己買個堆黃金, 銀行說不能睇, 而從抽櫃取出一金條說, 你的黃金就是這樣子的 !
如果你去歐洲銀行買黃金, 而單上寫買咗幾多盎司黃金就係紙黃金, 因為實金會用克和公斤計數的 !

試想像, 你有一枚金幣, 而你賣俾一百個人, 因為他們多數唔會取貨, 只會在金價高升時賣返俾你取返現金, 而你可以用收到的錢去東炒炒西炒炒來賺錢, 但有日個一百個人走來取金幣, 你就大鑊啦 !


Today Egon von Greyerz shocked King World News with more stunning news regarding clients having problems getting their physical gold out of Swiss banks as well as other major banks as the gold shortage intensifies.  Greyerz also discussed the fact that suppliers cannot keep up with demand and the reason will surprise KWN readers around the world.  Below is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, had to say in this remarkable interview.

Greyerz:  “Eric, at our company we are hearing more and more stories about banks not delivering gold that belongs to the client.  We are talking about Swiss banks here once again.  One client went to a Swiss bank to inspect his gold and the client manager said, ‘You can’t see it, but it looks like this,’ and he took a gold bar out of his drawer.

And the client showed me that he had a statement showing ounces of gold.  Well, you don’t own physical gold in ounces in Europe.  You own gold bars either in grams or in kilos, but not in ounces....

“You know automatically that it was paper gold the client owned because it was in units of ounces from a European bank.  So he didn’t have any physical gold, but the man in the bank told him that he did have physical, but he just couldn’t show it to him. 

Another client went to a major Swiss bank and he wanted to inspect his gold, but the account manager said, ‘I can show you the documents, but we are not allowed to show you the physical.’  And this was a major Swiss bank.

And just today we heard from a client that was going to take his gold out of two major Swiss banks.  This bank told him that he could only take out 200,000 Swiss francs worth of gold per annum.  They started off by telling him 50,000 to 80,000 Swiss francs of gold could be taken out, but eventually they went up to 200,000.  The other bank told him that he could not take out more than 80,000 Swiss francs worth of gold per year.

So clearly these banks don’t have the physical gold.  If they do, it’s very strange they won’t show it to clients and the clients are not allowed to take it out of the bank.  So it’s clear that many banks don’t have the gold. 

The bottom line is the banks don’t have enough physical gold to cover the commitment to their clients, and governments also have a lot less physical gold in the West than they claim to have.  As the paper market is 100 times larger than the physical market, it means that paper market has virtually no physical gold to back it.”

Greyerz also added: “The latest shocking news from suppliers is they are having a very difficult time getting hold of physical gold.  Therefore, this week again they increased their spreads on physical gold.  So again, Eric, my message is very clear:  Investors must hold physical gold outside of the banking system because this paper market will explode one day.”

11 則留言:

  1. lisa姐,好多人對紙黃金有錯誤理解,紙黃金類似實金的期貨,紙黃金與實金相互影嚮,價格相差不會太遠,紙黃金成交量一定遠遠大於實金成交量,交易成本低,情形好似買入一張恒指期貨,相等於買入5萬股盈富基金,正常情況下,恒指期貨可賣出平倉或結算,黑天鵝下,對手輸到爆燈,無法結算或買賣差價極大!

  2. 設想,如果個個恒指期貨好倉持有者,想轉持盈富基金,必須先沽出恒指期貨,恒指期貨必暴跌,也會拖跌盈富基金!所以lisa姐對紙黃金是過慮,如果紙黃金無法結算,全球銀行亦會倒閉,世界大戰可期,那時持實金亦沒有用,因爲第三次世界大戰一定會滅絕人類!

  3. lisa姐,我買入一吨紙黃金,銀行不會傻到同你對賭,不在市場上找賣家,銀行只賺差價,就算對賭,銀行不都要有相應資本!

  4. 回收租公,

    Egon von Greyerz和我說的紙黃金, 是指俾咗錢, 自己又以為買咗實金的交易, 但實制無實金俾到你, 而唔係玩個D已寫明無實金交收的遊戲 !

  5. 而去歐洲銀行買的實金交易, 唔係等於在香港銀行個D俾散戶買的紙黃金 !
    人地最少幾百公斤買, 唔同你地一両或一錢咁買 !

  6. 歐洲銀行個D買賣, 職員同你說是買實金, 但你想取實金時, 就說只可以取現金, 就係代表, 銀行實金短缺, 呢個就係篇文想帶出來的實況 !

  7. lisa姐, 只要銀行有對沖機制,有沒有實貨交收不重要,關鍵你買入的同時,有人賣出!

  8. 假設,所有黃金買賣只凖實金交收,結果是啥?成交價大上大落,差價更大,實金交易商開心死,可能買1200/oz, 賣1600/oz

  9. 回收租公,

    睇來你還是沒明白點解要買實金, 而唔係去賭黃金價格 :)
    去搞個明白點解要買實金對你和其他沒明白的人只會有好處 !

  10. I share Lisa's point of view.
    Beside, one's should deliver real gold if that's what I ve paid for. Don't take my cash if one's can't deliver.

  11. 回Patrick Li,

    世間騙子多的是, 所以文章說, 如果有人介紹你去歐洲如瑞士, 奧地利或德國買實金, 而可以幫你保存只須俾少少倉費, 但單上寫的是用盎司, 咁你就要小心買到紙黃金, 因為不會有實金交俾你的 !
