2013年6月23日 星期日


早排都介紹過篇文說年輕人想致富, 要由杯咖啡和早餐做起, 自己在家整, 好過日日在外面買 ! 所以無錢唔可以怨人, 須自己去學識理財, 而呢位朋友是一個好榜樣, 值得一讚 !




話說,返到來香港少不免都要跟朋友出街,大家見下面,聚一聚。那出街就總有感到口渴或者需要找個地方坐坐的時候。在這些時候,我班朋友就總是帶我去附近的 Starbucks 買咖啡。首先我其實已經不太明白為何他們為何清楚每一區 Starbucks 的位置。每次一話要去 Starbucks 他們總是識路,不理身處哪一區他們總能夠快速帶到我去最近的 Starbucks。總而言之,返港差不多七天了,我就幾乎天天都有去Starbucks。這絕對比過往兩年在英國去Starbucks的次數多不之幾多倍!如果沒有記錯,這兩年我在英國都只是去過一次Starbuck買咖啡,那次還要是行街時突然下雨去避雨,那我又不好意思只坐而不幫襯,才只好買杯咖啡等到雨勢轉弱。


Starbucks 的咖啡最低消費都差不多要 $30 以上,差不多成$40!(將英國starbuck價錢換算港紙其實也差不多)我每次買就每次如刀插心一樣,雖然有人會話$40好少,不過$40都是血汗錢吧!找$40就差不多要工作成個鐘,在我的世界我就寧願工作少一個鐘,而不要杯咖啡了!我,清水可以了!

3 則留言:

  1. I do agree with you.

    There is Pacific Coffee at my working office building. Although there is discount offered, the price is still not cheap !!

    Those Y generation in our office at least have 2 cups everyday. They demonstrate they are styled. They do not want to have 60 dollars saving in exchange of their so-called "live quality". They are "luck" generation, as most of them do not need to pay their parents. They can 100% use their income on the "live quality" they think so. They say they are independent, but I frankly tell them "you are only independent until one day you leave your parents, or at least you pay for your room. Now you are taking the advantage of living with parents without paying any cost.'.....haha...of course, such words are not welcomed but it's factual.

    I can only have a sigh.......

  2. 回爾凡,

    所以有一個識慳錢去投資的青年人是好難得 :)
