2013年6月6日 星期四

France Bans Shipment of Gold & Silver in the Mail!

法國剛出條例, 由六月一日起唔可以在信件或包裹內寄現鈔, 錢幣或金屬, 包括掛號或登記郵件 ! 網上店和Ebay 都包括在法例內 !


As the western financial collapse nears, the banksters are furiously working to shut down every financial exit available to the public to preserve their wealth from bankster confiscation.

France has just taken capital controls to a new level, banning the shipment of physical gold, silver, and cash through the mail, effectively shutting down the precious metals trade in France!

From Market Update, via Google Translate:
In France, a new law that sending gold, silver and cash prohibits. Companies gold coins on sale and send by post can not exercise this new law work. Sites are also traders who are prevented by the new law. Operates like eBay

In September 2011, the French government took all measures to limit. anonymous cash purchases of gold and silver Since then, every purchase of bullion with a value of more than € 450 per bank transfer happen. With the new law since June 1 this year in force is also sending by post of banknotes and precious metals restricted.
The new legislation can be found on this website , where under Chapter I, the following Article D1 of the universal postal service and the postal service obligations is:
“L’insertion the billets de banque, the pièces et de metaux precieux est interdite dans les envois postaux, y compris dans les envois à valeur déclarée, lesson envois recommandes et les envois faisant l’objet de leur formalités attestant dépôt et leur distribution. “
Loosely translated the law says that inserting banknotes, coins and precious metals is prohibited in mail. That includes insured and registered mail shipments.


For collectors of silver and gold coins the French Government raises a high barrier. If gold or silver to market will have to be resorted to look for another channel, or will be required to drive in order to retrieve it. The metal back and forth To jewelers not too difficult to make, there are exceptions in the law for sending jewelry.
According Express.be the French government seems to have a clear goal: preventing any transaction among individuals that gold and silver is involved. Another explanation is that the French government wants to get the money, more grip for cash and precious metals lend themselves well to.


Yet it is remarkable that this law has entered France. The central banks of the countries that are part of the Eurozone have agreed namely pure investment gold exempt from VAT. By this tax on gold deleting the threshold to buy physical gold just drastically reduced! Why the French Government has now assumed to hinder trade in physical gold a law is not entirely clear.

Maybe politicians not stomach that savers no confidence in their savings. Often buying physical gold or silver seen as a vote against the money system and the mismanagement of politicians and banks. Gold demand increasing its role as a safe alternative to savings in a bank account. Although the price of gold can fluctuate the precious metal has a permanent character. It does not perish and has had the status of a precious metal. Throughout the human history That is otherwise unrelated to the discussion or gold play in daily payments, a role because that opinions differ greatly.

*Update: According to a reader, jewelry is included in the ban:
I sold a piece of jewelry to someone in France, via ebay.  It was a tie tack with an automotive corporate logo on it.
I packaged it up, and took it to the post office for mailing.  The clerk asked me if there was any coins, money, silver, gold, jewelry, etc. in the package going to France.  I said there was a piece of jewelry in it (I didn’t know of this new rule prior).  She refused to accept the package, due to the new rules.

就連首飾都唔可以郵寄 !

