2013年7月6日 星期六

Gold & A Global Financial System In Complete Turmoil

Stephen Leeb 說, 歐洲有個國家對黃金認真起來, 就係德國 !
德國從美國運黃金回國, 好多人都在問, 為何要用好多年的時間呢 ? 德國也從另外一個國家運走黃金, 就係法國 ! 德國說, 大家都用同一個貨幣, 所以不須留黃金在法國 ! 真係 ? 如果將來10年或20年大家都用同一個貨幣, 為何不留個批黃金在法國呢 ?
德國對黃金認真起來, 而也是在西方唯一例外的國家, 因為其他黃金流緊去東方 !
Stephen Leeb 說, 為何我會諗起德國, 因為現大家見到, 德國、多倫多、倫敦, 全部想變人民幣離岸中心, 就係交收人民幣 ! 人民幣好突然在演變為儲備貨幣 !
美國為保美元地位, 好努力壓低金價; 美國有八千噸黃金, 但唔可以用來當流動性資產, 因為唔可以間接承認黃金是貨幣 ! 如果呢樣事發生, 銀行和政府會持有黃金, 而金價會飛上月球變五位數字 ! 到時金銀價升到停不了 !


On the heels of continued chaos in global markets, today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb spoke with King World News about the gold and silver smash and what investors should expect going forward. Leeb also talked with KWN about one country in Europe that is getting very serious about its gold.

Leeb: “Germany, as we know, is repatriating their gold from the United States. Everybody has talked about that -- ‘Why is it taking years to get a few hundred tons back to Germany (from the United States)?’ But guess who else they are repatriating their gold from? France.

Now, the German comment is, ‘Well, there’s no need to store it in France because we’re all one currency now.’ Really? And you expect to remain one currency for the next 10 or 20 years? And if you’re just one currency, why not leave it in France?

Germany is getting very serious about their gold....

“So they are the one Western exception. The rest of the gold is headed East big time ... The reason Germany entered my head is because all of the sudden you see Germany, Toronto, London, all vying to be hubs for yuan trading. That’s trading in Chinese currency.

All of the sudden the yuan is on the verge of becoming a reserve currency. If you think that trend is going to stop any time soon, forget it. But Germany continues to go it alone. They continue to be the one European country after gold. They want to be the hub of yuan trading. So you can see how the world is developing, Eric.”

Leeb also added: “This was inevitable that you would have a big decline in gold. Ultimately the West, and in particular the United States, is desperate to keep the dollar at the forefront, to keep the dollar as the reserve currency.

The United States allegedly has 8,000 tons of gold. So why do they (the BIS) exclude gold (as a top-tier holding)? Why? Because they are scared to death if they had said that gold could be a liquidity buffer, something banks and governments could hold in case of emergency, they would be blessing the concept that gold is a currency.

And once that happens gold goes to the moon. If you call the ‘moon’ five-digits, that’s where it (gold) is going. That’s what the United States is scared to death of. Once you let that little secret out of the bag (that gold is a top-tier currency), there is no stopping gold. There is no stopping silver.

When you look at what’s happened (to gold) in 2013, it will go down as the last desperate attempt to hold gold back. The West still had one gun left and they fired it in 2013. This was something that had to happen. The West was going to do whatever it could to keep gold down. But eventually it won’t be enough.

And China has the right idea. They know they need gold. So there’s no top (on gold). This will go down as a chapter in a book titled, ‘Western desperation, the last gasp of the dying West.’ And the last chapter of the book will be titled, ‘Five-Digit Gold.

5 則留言:

  1. 帝國壽命沒這麽短, 至少50年內,仍是美帝玩晒!

  2. Martin Amstrong 已說, 美元會強到2015年, 之後就會走下坡, 而到時金銀價就會飆升 !

  3. 黃金5位數字??有生之年冇可能見到
