2013年7月27日 星期六

Gold & The June Low

Martin Amstrong 的 1000樓下預測唔見咗, 而變為向上1307-1432和向下12725-12693-12068 !

還繼續sell佢收錢預測 !


The first window we warned where a low in gold could form was June in the mid 1100 level. We reached that minimum target objective despite all the yelling and screaming about fiat, manipulations, and other nonsense. We are still not out of the woods on gold yet and the primary resistance zone going into year-end remains 1307-1432. The first Weekly Bullish Reversal is 1424 and the first Monthly is 1569.
The Daily Bearish are 12725, 12693, and 12068.

After September, we will do an update for those who bought the metals report.

