2013年7月27日 星期六

Gold Shortage Creating Massive Problems For Bullion Banks

Egon von Greyerz說, 除咗大印銀紙可以推高金價之外, 還有的因素是實金的缺貨 !
各國政府和中央銀行長期借出或賣掉實金俾貴金屬銀行, 所以西方中央銀行說持有的23,000噸實金好有可能已是餘下好少量 !
金屬銀行在補充實金方面有困難, 所以發生近來壓低金價的事, 但大多數由黃金ETF和對沖基金放出來的實金已俾亞洲吸收了 !
所以金屬銀行還是缺少好多實貨, 使金價來緊幾個月受到好大的向上的爆炸力! 還有唔好忘記銀紙貶值帶來的推動力 ! 所以大家須明白明年金價會高過2011年的1900 !
見到到處都缺貨, 聽到貴金屬銀行受到大壓力, 所以由九月起我們會見到金銀價向上升 !


With most key markets around the world trading lower, today Egon von Greyerz warned King World News that there are enormous shortages of physical gold and this has created a situation where the bullion banks are in real trouble here because of the supply problems.  Below is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, had to say in this powerful and exclusive interview.

Greyerz:  “Eric, you know my view that gold and silver will go up because of unlimited money printing.  That’s guaranteed to happen.  But other factors that could put even more (upward) pressure on gold in the short-term are the enormous physical shortages....

“Governments and central banks have, for decades, leased or sold their gold to the bullion banks.  So they are very likely to own very little of the 23,000 tons that Western central banks are said to hold.

But now bullion banks also have a problem:  They tried to replenish their (physical gold) coffers during the massive manipulative selling that we’ve seen over the last few months in the paper market.  Although they took the price down, most of the physical (gold) that was released by selling from ETFs and hedge funds was absorbed by Asia.

So the bullion banks are still massively short of physical gold.  Eric, all of these physical shortage problems are likely to put enormous upward pressure on gold in coming months.  And remember that this factor is in addition to the destruction of paper money we will see which will also put upward pressure on gold.

It’s important for investors to understand, and especially holders of gold and silver, that there are now several different factors which will propel gold and silver to much higher levels.  As you know, Eric, I’ve said that within the next year we will see levels that will be a lot higher than the $1,900 mark we saw in 2011.

I see shortages everywhere, and I see real problems in the market with the bullion banks still under pressure.  I am hearing that they (bullion banks) are under real pressure, and this is why we will see incredible upward moves (for gold and silver) starting in September.”

3 則留言:

  1. 解釋黃金期貨市場運作, 要開account先睇到ft alphaville
