2013年7月2日 星期二

Metals Bull or Bear?

Martin Amstrong 說, 金銀沒去到真正大牛市, 因為金價須升破2300和銀價須升破50, 但也不是熊市; 金價須跌穿680, 而銀價須跌穿8.50才是真正轉入熊市 !
100% 可能金銀價是上升的 ! 2015年後的金屬價格升浪會發生在混亂中, 因為大家對政府已失去信心, 所以我地沒去到呢個時段 ! 而惡性通脹是糊言亂語, 絕不會發生 !
美國要面對滯脹, 而唔係通脹 ! 滯脹是通脹升不過經濟縮, 因為政府開支升, 不過支出是消費, 所以產生唔到資產 !
金屬不能單獨上升的, 到時我地可以見到其他資產價格也上升, 例如食物價格升因為壞天氣減少供應 !
金屬價須先跌, 才可以帶起利率升, 一環影響一環, 而因為太多專家叫人買金銀, 所以損害咗成個形勢; 棵樹須全面搖掉, 下一浪升市才可以開始 !

Martin Amstrong 把通脹和滯脹分得好清楚, 所以一路說無通脹, 其實通脹是有的, 只是經濟不配合, 所以變滯脹 !
通脹是資產價格上升, 但生產力都跟升, 市民花費多咗, 但收入也會增加 ! 其實通脹不是壞事, 因為好多生意人在通脹期間可以賺到錢, 但滯脹就麻煩得多啦 ! 生意人不但賺唔到錢, 還要面對加大的支出 !


Dear sir
I have read your articles extensively and i have a few questions…
You have repeatedly said that the tree must be shaken (for gold) but as far as i know gold and silver are in a BEAR market. This is not a correction in a bull market any more but a bear market (due to technical analysis). So my question is this: how can you be so sure that the metals will resume the bull trend sometime through 2014-15 and make new highs to 2020?
My second question is about stagflation… If we are moving to stagflation then the commodities should be in a bull trend, not bear trend as now…

ANSWER: As wild as it might sound to the non-Goldbugs, the metals are actually not in a bear market. The truth is they did not breakout into a long-term bull market and that will not take place until silver exceeded the 1980 high and gold breaks through the $2300 level.

How sure? This is about a 100% probability. The issue is not the metals ALONE. It is everything interconnected. For the metals to enter a REAL bear market gold must close BELOW $680 on an annual basis and silver BELOW $8.50. This rise in metals AFTER 2015 will be in general chaos and the drop in confidence in government. We are NOT at that stage now and there will NEVER be an HYPERINFLATION that is total nonsense.

The STAGFLATION is being cause by the fact that the cost of government is rising rapidly. Any small town is an example. They have 10 policemen and 5 now reach their 20 year retirement point. They now have to pay them 100% healthcare for life and then they have to replace them so the net cost is the equivalent of hiring 15 policemen. These politicians assumed that there was an endless pot of revenue and people will pay whatever they demand. They then exclude the cost of government from your cost of living so this is the real rise in INFLATION but it acts like a black hole sucking in everything around it. Because it is government and not industry, it consumes the national wealth and contributes nothing to the productive capacity of a nation. Thus, the rising cost of government because DEFLATIONARY and not INFLATIONARY from an economic productive perspective. Hence we end up with STAGFLATION never HYPERINFLATION for the state and local government cannot increase the money supply. The unfunded liability at the state and local level dwarf that of the feds.

It is not that the METALS will rise alone, this is the trend for TANGIBLE (Private) assets compared to INTANGIBLE LIABILITIES (Public) assets. Weather is also in a chaotic trend and we will see rising food prices. The excessive rain in Europe and in part of the USA is starting to reduce supply. So it is never possible to forecast the future unless you have EVERYTHING put together for we are never alone – it is all connected.

The metals had to come down or else interest rates could not have begun to rise. This is a series of dominoes and once the first goes, the second must follow. It is unfortunate that the gold promoters have tarnished the role of metals and filled the airwaves with such nonsense. They have done far more damage to the metals than people realize because the next rally will begin only after the TREE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY SHAKEN and the bulls ate thoroughly discredited.

9 則留言:

  1. 回helmut,

    唔曬客氣, 咁重要訊息, 一定要大家睇得明 :)

    1. 本人英文差謝謝菩薩心腸,用心良苦

  2. "金屬價須先跌, 才可以帶起利率升"

  3. 金價跌利率升一環一環


  4. 回wahd,

    可能是, 金屬是用來對沖通脹的, 而依家利率在低位, 金屬在高位, 是錯價 !
    如果金屬和利率齊升, 咁金屬會太貴啦, 所以金屬須跌落來, 才可以同利率同升 !

  5. 言下之意,我吾會等到樓市跌

  6. 回Ronald Fung,

    睇來, 來緊兩年會是艱難時期, 大家要小心行事啦 !

  7. 馬田D大勢,我覺得一路都算準

    佢咁講得" This rise in metals AFTER 2015 will be in general chaos and the drop in confidence in government."

