2013年8月24日 星期六

Greyerz - Here Is The Roadmap To $10,000 Gold & $500 Silver

簡單來說, Egon von Greyerz 認為, 全球只有1%投資資金持有黃金, 因為多數投資專家不懂黃金 !

黃金價格其實不是大家認為行緊的牛市, 而是紙幣在貶值; 可以貶到零 !

金銀價格現在上升, 在來緊12至15個月金價可以見2500美元, 而銀價可以見70美元, 當然大家要注意中途的價格波幅 !

大家要記住, 一定要買實貨和儲存在歐美銀行體系以外 !


On the heels of gold and silver surging strongly, today Egon von Greyerz sent King World News a tremendous piece where he discusses today’s move, what investors should expect in the future, as well as some surprising medium-term and long-term price projections for both gold and silver.  Below is what Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, wrote in this fascinating KWN exclusive piece.

With only 1% of world financial assets invested in gold, very few so-called investment experts have any understanding of the yellow metal.  So during the 22-month correction in the gold price, most of the 99% who don’t own gold have all been calling for the end of the bull market....

What most of these people don’t understand is that gold is not in a bull market.  It is paper money going down, rather than gold going up.  For 5,000 years gold has been the only money which has maintained its purchasing power.  Every single currency has been destroyed throughout history, in a permanent bear market.  Voltaire was so right when he said in 1729 that “paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – ZERO.” 

We have just started the acceleration phase of the upmove in gold (and silver).  Gold is up $20 today, to almost $1,400 and silver up $0.65 to $23.75.  But this is just the first phase of a continued collapse of paper money until most currencies reach ZERO.  It is not likely to take that many years. 

So gold and silver will continue to be the mirror image of falling currencies by very quickly reaching new highs.  In the next 12-15 months, gold could reach $2,500 and silver $70.  But that is still only the beginning, and we should reach my very longstanding forecast of in excess of $10,000 for gold and $500 for silver.  And those targets are with “normal inflation.”  With hyperinflation, which I expect, we might have to add a few zeroes to the targets. 

With so many superb “freethinkers” that Eric King interviews, KWN followers have been forewarned about these events.  As I discuss with Eric in this weekend’s audio interview, QE will not end in the US.  The world is still in a total mess economically and financially and none of the problems that almost caused a collapse in 2008 have been resolved.
For a very long time we have seen manipulation by governments in the precious metals markets.  The manipulation we saw earlier this year was absolutely extraordinary.  This was extremely well covered by KWN in interviews with Andrew Maguire and others.   Manipulations of markets can last a long time, but eventually they will end.  The truth always wins in the long run and the laws of supply and demand come into effect again. 

The smashing of gold and silver in the paper market has, in my view, come to an end.  The physical market will now take over as the only true market.  Paper longs will take delivery and paper shorts will panic.  This will not happen overnight, but gradually, over time.  There will be periods with very high volatility, with gold going up hundreds of dollars in one day and silver tens of dollars a day.  But corrections will also be violent, so investors must be careful.
So we now have a perfect synthesis of fundamental, physical and technical factors for gold and silver, which will be the beginning of a long and spectacular rise.  But investors must remember that they should only own physical metals which must be stored in vaults outside the banking system.

4 則留言:

  1. 我寧願敘利亞打唔成仗, 金價唔急升好過.

  2. 回佳,
    我地無得話事, 只可以跟勢保護自己 @_@

  3. http://finance.sina.com.hk/news/-32-6114782/1.html

    大媽就快返家鄉 ~

  4. 金價沒企得穩1400樓上 !
