2013年9月22日 星期日

Our Deposits, Pension Funds, etc. Vulnerable to Immediate Looting ?

文章說, 美國的國債已大到不能還, 所以在美國的銀行存款、 養老金等等可能遲下會俾政府沒收 ! 而FED 不退市可能顯示好快就會發生 !
不要以為有存款保, 因為存款保基金根本唔夠存款大 !

在美國依家住得好安穩的人, 而想見到中國和香港經濟死的人, 請睇清自己安危 !

www.silverdoctors.com 全文

Massive and Increasing Public and Private Debt, $700 Trillion or perhaps as high as $1.2 Quadrillion in Derivatives (see bis.org) and the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act, appear to put our Bank Deposits, Pension Fund Assets and many other financial “Assets” at Greater Risk than ever before.

And for those U.S. Bank Depositors who think, for example, that FDIC Insurance will protect their Deposits consider that the FDIC’s Reserve Fund holds only $37.9 Billion, but the Total Insurable Deposits are $5.25 Trillion.  And, as Ellen Brown points out, the “Bail-Ins” (i.e., Bank Deposit Confiscation) which Cyprus (and now it appears Polish) Depositors suffer, are arguably applicable worldwide via the Financial Stability Board’s “Bail-In Templates.”

The Fed’s refusal to even begin Tapering is ominous and indicates that Financial Armageddon may be closer than we think.
Worst of All, that Destruction could, at any time, be only hours, or minutes, away – read on.

