2013年10月19日 星期六

Billionaire Sprott Says Gold & China To Dominate The World

加拿大億萬富翕Eric Sprott 說, 將來黃金和中國會主導世界, 所以要跟隨中國人的投資組合, 持有實物資產 ! 人民幣可能己是最多實金支持的貨幣 !

所以唔好睇唔起自己是中國人; 你是香港人也好, 是澳門人也好, 是台灣人也好, 通通是黃皮膚、黑頭髮, 在外國人眼中都是中國人 ! 也唔好睇小人民幣, 因為外國人都搶著想要人民幣 !

只可惜, 中國人由古以來, 最喜歡搞內鬥 !


In the aftermath of another wild week of trading in which the US Dollar Index closed below the key psychological level of 80, today billionaire Eric Sprott told King World News that gold and China will dominate the world going forward.  The Canadian billionaire also told KWN that investors would be wise to follow the Chinese in their investments.  Below is what Sprott, who is Chairman of Sprott Asset Management, had to say in part II of this remarkably powerful interview series.

Sprott:  “Most of the things I think are going to happen are all based on facts.  You can look at the facts on physical demand for gold and silver.  You can look at the facts on governments deficits, and you just have to take yourself to where it’s going (the end game).  And whether it happens in a year or two, it’s going to happen....

“We’ve had so many false starts (and promises) -- ‘The economy is going to be great in 2010,’ and it’s not.  ‘It’s going to be great in 2011, 2012, 2013,’ and it’s not.  Now, they are already talking about it being ‘great in 2014.’  But we are actually regressing, even though they (central planners) don’t want to admit it, because the numbers are all manipulated in one way or another. 

It will happen that gold will be accepted as the asset to back a (major) currency.  And the currency with the most gold behind it, which I suspect is already the Chinese yuan, and growing rapidly, will be the dominant currency going forward.  Of course this doesn’t portend well for all of the central planners currencies.  They (the Chinese) are doing the smart thing by buying real physical assets.  So I guess the best way of putting it is, just follow the Chinese, my friend, and you are going to be OK here.”

Eric King:  “Eric, it is staggering to think that demand (for gold) is twice (global) mine production.  It’s almost unimaginable.”

Sprott:  “The numbers speak for themselves.  In 2012 I wrote that I can see 2,200 tons of net new buying per year in a market that produced (only) 2,700 tons (of gold).  That was back in 2012.  Just think, Eric, in the 12 months to August of 2011, China imported something like 100 tons (of gold).  Now they import 1,200 (tons of gold).  They’ve increased their tonnage (of gold purchases by a staggering) 1,100 tons.

If the total (world) supply, including recycling is 4,000 (tons), which I highly doubt, that means they’ve come in and bought an extra 25% of the market.  How can somebody come in and buy an extra 25% of the (entire global) market at that same time that the price falls by 30% or 40%?  It’s just totally ridiculous that it would ever manifest itself that way.  If they bought (an additional) 25% of the oil, wheat, or the corn markets, the price would not be going down.”

