2013年10月11日 星期五


2百萬盎司黃金俾人在一個交易中沽咗落去, 導致 CME 停板10鈔鐘 !


Moments ago it just happened again. As part of the already noted massive gold slamdown just before 9 am Eastern, when "someone" sold an epic 2 million ounces of gold in one trade, the CME just went dark for 10 seconds, blaming it on an appropriately named "stop logic" event.

What is Stop Logic? Basically, it is a the mother of all stop hunts, which takes out the entire bid stack and continues until such time as there is absolutely no liquidity left in the entire market! From the CME:
Stop Logic detects potential market movements caused by the triggering and trading of Stop orders where the resulting price move would extend beyond an exchange specified threshold.

The triggering of Stop orders can potentially exaggerate price movements in temporarily illiquid markets. When triggered Stop orders attempt to move the market to an executing price beyond a pre-established value, a Stop Logic event occurs. Stop Logic detects these situations and responds by placing the identified market in a Reserved state for a predetermined period of time, usually 5 to 10 seconds, depending on the instrument. During the Reserve period, new orders are accepted and an Indicative Opening Price (IOP) is published, but trades do not occur until the Reserve period expires, thereby providing an opportunity for participants to respond to the demand for liquidity. At the end of the Reserve period, the instrument will re-open and matching will resume.

When a futures contract designated as a lead month contract experiences a STOP Logic event, associated options markets are paused and Mass Quotes canceled.

Stop Logic will not prevent markets from ultimately moving in the direction of the order flow, but allows time for liquidity to enter the market so that new orders can be matched against the triggered stop order(s).

7 則留言:

  1. lisa,

  2. 回Gordon,

    佢似乎俾美國傳媒利用啦, 乜央行沽金, 只是呃你地手上實金吧啦 XD !
    依家在市場沽出的全是紙金, 只用來壓價收買實金 !
    佢都實金紙金分唔清, 又笑王冠一叫人買金, 其實王冠一叫人買的是實金 !
    有時又好清醒咁說要買實金, 又笑中國大媽買金, 但中國大媽買的是實金, 收藏十年八年, 不須輸到燒炭 !
    佢又似精神分裂, 只報減價樓或蝕賣樓新聞, 又唔見佢報告賺到幾倍個案 !

  3. 真係頂唔順自誇自己叻的人, 好多專家都已說, 金價可能會再試一試低位之後才炒上去 !

  4. 所以我R晒頭, 佢唔似唔識架ma. 唔知點解講到金就一時一樣.

  5. 回Gordon,

    我覺佢諗野唔太logic, 有時糊裡糊塗, 想成個樓市死, 炒家燒炭, 到時成個香港經濟都死 !
    好彩蘋果唔俾佢寫大陸, 只限佢寫美國 !

  6. 羊生是一位報「憂」師... 留意下佢D文章全是「報憂不報喜」...

  7. 也是踩低人誇大自己上位的一位 !
    當年在600美元跟王冠一買實金的人, 升到去1900美元已大賺特賺啦 !
