2013年10月4日 星期五

I Am A Terrified Observer As I Watch The End Game Unfolding

要叫幾多次狼來了, 狼才真的會來 ?

有實金實銀在手都係安心好多, 只手持紙資產的人要小心啦 !


As the modern world seems to move directly from one crisis to another, today one of the wealthiest people in the financial world stunned King World News when he said, “I am a terrified observer as I watch the end game drawing to a close.”  Rick Rule, who is business partners with billionaire Eric Sprott, also spoke what is at stake for humanity, what we are doing to our children and grandchildren, and what this all means for investors in major markets, including gold and silver.  Below is what he had to say in this candid and powerful interview.

Eric King:  “Rick, can you talk about where the West is really heading?”

Rule:  “I think your question is very interesting, particularly in the context of the public and international response to the so-called government shutdown.  First of all I would ask you, what shutdown?  Second I would ask you, why the furlough of 800,000 ‘non-essential workers’ is a bad thing?....
“The third thing I would ask is, why do we have 800,000 ‘non-essential workers?’  But I guess all of this points to something much more important:  The commentary inside and outside of the United States has to do with the threat of shutting off the near-term liquidity that is driving a financial bubble.

It would be more hopeful if people were talking about the debt ceiling, and the advisability of continuing to overspend.  I am not hearing anything in the mainstream media discussion about the real cause of the problem, which is simply that we are over-governed and we are spending too much.

It seems to me that nobody is speaking for the people, our children and grandchildren, who have to pay the debts.  What really bothers me about this, Eric, is that the whole discussion of both the alleged shutdown, the debate about this and the so-called debt ceiling doesn’t have anything to do with the problem, which is that we are spending substantially more money than we are generating.  This is the real cause of the problem, and the discussion is so disgustingly off base.”

Eric King:  “How bad will this be when the West finally hits the wall?”

Rule:  “I don’t know, and I don’t know when it will come.  The US can renege on a whole bunch of social promises.  What scares me is that the dialogue isn’t even dealing with the harsh reality the US faces in the future if radical changes are not made immediately.

All I hear is from the US officials is, ‘We can’t taper, the economy is too weak,’ and, ‘We can’t shut down the government because government provides all of these essential services.’  But the coming austerity will be very unpleasant to go through, and people are going to eventually recognize QE for what it is, which is counterfeiting.

The problem with all of the promises the politicians have made is that they are all lies.  I have advocated that people own gold and silver because at the fulcrum point of this deception on the part of the government is the currency.  You can’t have unsecured obligations on top of unsecured obligations.  And the medium for exchange of lies is fiat currency.

The idea that the gradual unraveling of these lies will result in the depreciation of fiat currencies, and the dramatic revaluation of precious metals to the upside, seems to me to be an extremely likely outcome.  I am a terrified observer as I watch the end game drawing to a close.  But I will tell you that I feel more comfortable and sleep better owning gold and silver, rather than having all of my savings in fiat currencies, which are the unsecured obligations of bankrupt, or soon to be bankrupt borrowers.” 

2 則留言:

  1. QE本身是一個假象, 想誘使人們唔一下子改變舊方式, 繼續舊方式去消費和投資, 唔好令到美國經濟FREE FALL, 只是長遠來講, 人們一定要慢慢減少OVERSPENDING AND OVER-GOVERNED, 這個步驟可能要幾年或十幾年.

    其實, 個人來講, 面對這些風波的方法只有一個, 就係做人勤務上進, 唔借錢來消費, 平日留有餘錢儲蓄. 投資唔好一味借錢去投資, 有前無後, 要反問自己可以承受幾多風.

    一到這些QE假象, 我已經唔借錢投資, 連投資物業的按揭都俾埋哂錢. 反而現在QE收水, 正可以回歸正常, 才可以看得準誰隻股票值得去買.

  2. 可能根本是一個局, 先搞亂世界, 搞死金融, 最後奪取世界的控制權 !
    所以大家須識得去保護自己, 唔好再發夢可以用炒賣發達 !
