2014年7月23日 星期三

Gold & Silver To Skyrocket As We Move To A New World Order


Today an acclaimed money manager told King World News that gold and silver are going to skyrocket as we transition to a “New World Order.”  Stephen Leeb also said there is a major bid under the gold market and went on to warn that change will now be very rapid in the coming years.

Leeb:  “There is so much speculation about what really happened to the plane that was shot down.  But the reality is that there is a war going on in the Ukraine right now and it’s a very, very tough one.  And the Russian people are for this war....

“Yes, Ukraine had a terrible leader, but now you have a war and there doesn’t seem to be any real exit.

Also, when you look at what is going on in Libya -- they used to produce over one million barrels a day of oil.  Now Libya can’t get their oil production past half a million barrels a day.  In Iraq all hell has broken loose.  Let’s not forget Egypt.  A year ago Egypt helped facilitate a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel.  Now Egypt is a mess.

It seems like everything this country touches turns into a mess.  I don’t believe it’s because we are not well-intentioned.  Yes, the United States has the number one military in the world, but we are not gaining in that area.  We are now losing in that area and that’s important to recognize.

We can’t have our hands in everything at the same time.  If we do, then disaster is going to unfold because we won’t have the ability to control anything if we are trying to control everything.  We are cutting down our expenditures on the military and we don’t have access to the rare earths we need.  At the same time, China and Russia are doing joint military exercises.

So this is a world in which you are seeing the hegemony of the United States shrink.  To top things off, we have this Ukrainian horror show.  There were more than 10 million Ukrainians killed during the second world war.  These people have suffered enough already.  This should have been a Ukrainian/Russian issue.  And it probably could have worked itself out much better than it has.  But now we have a disaster on our hands.

Russia already has the Crimea and close ties to China.  So Russia wont’ lose much, but the West has a lot to lose.  At the same time, U.S. spies are being thrown out of Germany.  Are we still allies with Europe?  Merkel talks to Putin every day, so who are our allies in this world?

All of this leads to the gold and silver markets.  If the U.S. no longer possesses a military which has control over events in the world, why should other people give us a break when they buy our dollars?  Why should they continue to view our currency as the reserve currency?  In order for the U.S. to maintain its dollar reserve currency status, we must have a strong military and economic presence.

So we are in a when, not if situation as to when we see a transition to another reserve currency.  I maintain that the three major players in this game will be China, Russia, and Germany.  And gold is going to have a major role in this new reserve currency.  I told you last time that there was a bid under the gold market and it has stayed firm.  The bid may be just a bit lower but for the first time in a long time there is going to be an entity who is going to stop gold from going down in a big way.  And that entity already has well in excess of $4 trillion of reserves.

So, yes, there is a solid bid in the gold market and we’ve moved a chapter further in this transition to a New World Order.  There is very little doubt about this.  Change will be very rapid in the coming year and years to come.  The United States better wake up.  For investors who are looking to survive the coming chaos, you need to own gold and silver during this coming transition because they are going to go to prices that you will not believe.”

4 則留言:

  1. 黎智英兩年捐四千萬操控泛民亂港 - 東方日報 - http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20140722/00174_001.html

    1. 又有共濟會超級家族李國寶,他又咁撑任志剛和唐唐,又想搞亂港元吧 這不是陰謀論了 !真的要支持梁振英

  2. 政治野, 由佢地吵吵鬧鬧啦, 因為太多低B人 !

  3. 李居明一早說, 泛民無運行 !
