2014年8月3日 星期日

Paul Craig Roberts - The War In The Gold Market Is Raging


Former US Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, told King World News that the war in the gold market is continuing to rage.  He also discussed exactly what the West is doing in the war on gold, why it is so important to Western central planners, and how it will end.  Below is what Dr. Roberts had to say in this powerful interview.

Dr. Roberts:  “The war on gold continues.  The price of gold is fixed in the futures market, which is used for gambling, and which is (also) used to suppress the price of gold.  It’s not the market in which people actually take delivery of gold.

So what has been happening is as the bullion banks, (who are) agents of the Federal Reserve, organize their almost daily attacks on the gold market by selling naked shorts into the Comex, gold is underpriced, and the Asians have been gobbling it up....
“And the question that we have before us is, how much gold is left in the West?  How much gold is left even to make deliveries to the Asians?

And what happens when the fiat currencies crash and gold is simply unavailable in the West?  When anyone seeking to preserve the purchasing power of their currency, or what’s left of it, simply can’t purchase because there’s no gold available.

That’s what I think it the likely outcome.  So the gold price could go extremely high in terms of dollars if this crisis hits.  But you wouldn’t be able to get any gold at any price because it’s moved into Asian hands.”

