2014年9月6日 星期六

A Dollar devaluation is around the corner, you better have Silver and Gold


US Dollar is trading at a high of 83.770,  actually down 6.4 points from yesterday’s close and almost 100 points higher than Wednesday’s end.   The Dollar rally was not because of good things happening in the “land of the fees”,  but because yesterday, the EU desperately cut interest rates to .05 of 1%.   That gives our Treasuries a boost in demand (they’re trading flat at the moment) because we actually pay a better return than Europe,  about 1/10th of 1% more (what a joke return).   Energy Sector continues to not perform with the fundamentals pointing to skyrocketing prices,  however,  the Algo’s have been instructed to keep the prices low with Crude Oil now at $94.66,  only 21 cents higher with the rest of the sector stuck as well.   Gold,  which we think did a stellar job yesterday holding onto its value as the Dollar was elevated,  is now trading at $1,266.60,  up 10 cents with a small drop in its Open Interest (2,992) leaving 368,523 overall positions held overnight.   Under normal circumstances,  Gold would have been hammered $50 on a Dollar rally like we had yesterday.   Now the Dollar is way over bought and Gold way oversold.   Silver faired even better in yesterday’s movements and its trade is now at $19.135,  down 3/10ths of a penny with an Open Interest drop of only 502 contracts leaving a very hefty count of 161,806 still in the game.   We had an increase in physical deliveries as 39 contracts received their warrants with 4 more contracts added to this month’s deliveries.   Someone is adding contracts like we did during our delivery period when Silver was at $7 and Gold was at $750,  very smart buyer indeed.   They don’t have to wait a month for their receipts.   Bitcoin,  part of what we call the Anti-Fiat Team of Investments,  is trading $10 higher with its current price at $488 inside a 24 hour trading range between $497 and $476.50,  Ripple Coin remains steady with its current quote at $0.004854.   Grains are trading mostly higher with Bean Oil the only exception,  Softs are lower across the board because of the rallied American Peso and the Live Stock Sector is trading positive after yesterday’s Mr. Toad’s Wild ride finished.   The Twisted Sisters of Paper are weaker in the early morning preparing everyone for the Unemployment Report which we will already call a bullshit report,  because truth is something that is never used when it comes to a government trying to protect what’s left of itself.   It leaves us wondering what the big scheme will be for the bankers last theft?   Could it be that everyone with money (in Europe),  that transferred as much as they could over to the US within the past 6 months be set up for a currency devaluation?   What would happen if everyone inside the Western Banking system was to take a 20% haircut in value within the US Dollar?   We have no proof that this is the plan,  that kind of evidence is way beyond our pay scale and since corporations and banks now have more privacy rights than humans,  we have to run on suppositions and simple thoughts.   It would be the perfect “screw you” bankster moment indeed.   We’re not too far from Shanghai taking over the Gold and Silver pricings and it does seem the war drums are getting louder as the days go by.  The problem now is the US and British government talking heads can’t seem to offer up any evidence that Russia has invaded Ukraine and it’s gotten to the point that no one even believes their governments BS reports of war.   Warner Brothers Media has announced a major release of talent (that’s a joke in itself) because people have stopped listening to the cyclopean lies and are actually getting more data from other news services on the internet,  that is,  data from reporters who know how to challenge the bent and partial truths spewed from idiots with teleprompters.   Things are changing that’s for sure,  and we feel that holding ones retirement monies in Silver,  Gold,  Call Options in Precious Metals,  and some Crypto-Currencies,  offers up a more secure future than money in a bank.  Because these banks have given themselves the right to steal for the benefit of the banks, Customers be damned!!   We know a change is coming and everyday it gets closer to reality,  we’re not worried anymore,  because we feel we’re positioned right.   In the meantime,  have a great weekend,  keep those Precious Metals and Crypto’s close,  and as always  …  Stay Strong!!

