2014年10月16日 星期四

Markets slammed by economic fears after U.S. data




石油需求與供應前景嚴重有落差,國際能源機構(IEA)預期今年全球石油需求增長會是5年最慢,近月持續受壓的油價再度急挫,紐約期油周二挫3.9美元或 4.5%,每桶低見81.84美元,創2012年6月來低位;布蘭特期油曾失守每桶85美元,全日跌3.85美元或4.3%,低見85.04美元,創近4 年新低。油價周三續挫,紐約期油曾跌1.47美元至每桶80.37美元;布蘭特期油曾跌1.67美元至每桶83.37美元。

油價已墮入熊市,市場密切關注石油輸出國組織(OPEC)會否減產,沙特王子阿勒瓦利德對任由油價下跌不敢苟同,他向沙特石油部長納伊米發表公開信,指當地今年9成預 算靠石油收入支持,油價需維持每桶80至90美元才能確保預算平衡。加州大學聖迭戈分校經濟學教授漢密爾頓指,即使消費者可以較低價格購買汽油,惟若沒市 場吸納美國的出口,勢打擊美國整體經濟。

同時,9月份美國零售銷售按月倒退0.3%,跌幅超預期,撇除汽車銷售後意外倒退0.2%,主要 是工資增長溫和,不足以提高民眾購買力;同月美國生產物價指數(PPI)意外按月跌0.1%,為去年8月來首跌,扣除食物及能源後PPI按月持平,遜預 期。8月份美國商業庫存升0.2%,遜預期。三藩市聯儲銀行行長威廉斯揚言,若持續的反通脹預期成真,或需展開新一輪量寬。




By Lionel Laurent

LONDON (Reuters) - Global stocks, bond yields and commodity prices slumped on Wednesday as investor fears over the state of the global economy intensified after U.S. producer prices fell for the first time in more than a year.
U.S. equity futures were down 1.2 percent - with big blocks of shares being sold - and the pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 index fell 1.9 percent after the release of the data, which fuelled worries of disinflation in the U.S.

Greece's benchmark equity index fell as much as 10 percent, though by 1307 GMT it had pared its losses to a drop of around 7 percent.
"There's been a big acceleration of the sell-off in stocks, with a spike in risk aversion spreading across the board to bonds and the currency market, and even a return of stress around Greek assets," Alexandre Baradez, chief market analyst at IG France.

"The newsflow is quickly deteriorating, including today's U.S. data. It's nothing to reassure investors. All the ingredients are there for further losses."
Market volatility has surged in recent weeks as investors weigh the timing of expected interest rate increases, especially in the United States, against disappointing macroeconomic signals such as a lower-than-expected inflation reading from China.

Investors sought refuge from cooling economic activity in safe-haven government bonds across the euro zone, with German bund yields hitting a record low. Pressure is growing on the European Central Bank to ease monetary policy further to spur growth in the region.

"With deflation worries still very much at the fore of the euro area and the pressure on the ECB to take further action in coming months, Bunds will remain underpinned in the near term," said Nick Stamenkovic, bond strategist at RIA Capital Markets.
After a stable start to the European trading day, stocks were firmly in the red by afternoon, with the MSCI All-Country World index down 0.3 percent.
Britain's FTSE 100 benchmark stock index was also down 1.6 percent, dragged lower by a 24 percent fall in the share price of drug company Shire after U.S. rival and suitor AbbVie warned it might reconsider plans to buy Shire.
Worries over the economic recovery also kept commodities under pressure. Brent crude futures fell to a new four-year low of $83.95 per barrel and U.S. crude oil fell to $80.60 per barrel, stoking fears of further disinflation.

"The sharp decline in the price of crude oil is serving to increase downside risks to inflation in the near term," said Lee Hardman, currency analyst at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ.
The oil price fall also affected currency markets, where the U.S. dollar hit a five-year high against the Canadian dollar and held firm near a 11-month peak against sterling. Investors resumed bullish bets on the dollar after a recent sell-off and stayed away from currencies grappling with disinflation.
"Clearly the correlation between oil and commodity prices on the Canadian dollar is playing out. The more oil prices fall, the more dollar/CAD will rise," said Jeremy Stretch, the head of currency strategy at CIBC World Markets.
Emerging markets in Russia and the Middle East, which depend on oil as a key revenue earner, were also hit: the rouble dipped to its weakest level on record, Russian government
borrowing costs hovered at a five-year high and shares in Moscow fell to near their lowest level since 2009.
Russia's central bank stepped in to shift its currency-intervention threshold and hold auctions for banks to deposit dollars, but analysts remained sceptical of their success.
"If the oil price doesn't stabilise, there probably isn't much hope for the rouble," said Richard Segal, an emerging market strategist at Jefferies. The currency is down almost 20 percent this year.

(Reporting by Lionel Laurent; Additional reporting by Blaise Robinson, Jamie McGeever, Anirban Nag, Marc Jones and Marius Zaharia; Editing by Toby Chopra, Larry King)

