2014年12月27日 星期六


2006-2007年股市大牛市, 本人已抽離股市, 只慢慢買入實金實銀, 而生活費來之收租物業 !

2014年股市又來瘋, 本人都一樣抽離股市, 繼續慢慢買入實金實銀, 而生活費來之收租物業 ! 分別是身家已翻一番, 因為物業的升值 !

所以投資可以好簡單, 唔曬日日諗要買乜野好 !

見到有人在討論, 財務自由後, 應該點樣走, 是否放下工作去環遊世界 ? 其實就是要好好去保持財富的增值, 唔好俾世界金融蠱惑招奪走你財富 ! 所以投資不只要有財智, 還要知世界經濟的變化, 例如半年前, 你都唔會諗到油價會大跌, 大家以為只是短暫調整吧啦! 油價由當初睇升去150美元, 到依家睇會跌去20美元, 一唔小心真的會玩死你 !


With more people becoming increasingly fearful because of moves in the West to legalize bank bail-ins, today David Stockman spoke with King World News about what is going to trigger the next Lehman moment that will usher in the age of bail-ins.
Eric King:  “David, what is the biggest danger facing the world?”

David Stockman:  “The biggest danger is that we have a totally artificial, unstable monetary system.  We’ve created massive amounts of credit that can’t be supported or repaid.  All of this makes for instability. 

“In June, you couldn’t find one out of a thousand people who would predict the oil price would be $55 a barrel today.  But it is and we are just beginning to see all the collateral impacts of that.”
Eric King:  “David, there is so much out there that could get the dominos tumbling, but what is going to cause the next Lehman moment that triggers (bank) bail-ins in the West?”
Stockman:  “The unraveling of the energy bubble.  That (bubble) was massive globally.  So there is going to be some real dislocation in the whole energy supply and production system.  That could trigger some serious dislocations in the credit markets because energy or junk shale bonds are the subprime this time around.” 

4 則留言:

  1. 李居明在電台說, 今日是第一天有得賣, 可能買唔到, 因為報紙檔多數會留俾熟客先, 叫你地隔天才去買 XD !
