2014年12月23日 星期二

Yes, Russia To Unleash Black Swans Against West But Here Is The Scary Part

繼續補充糧倉 !


Today KWN interviewed a man who has been uncovering critical information for 25 years who said "yes," what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts told King World News is true, "Russia will unleash black swans against the West, but here is the scary part."

Eric King:  “Steve, as you know King World News just had the viral interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts where he warned that Russia will unleash the ultimate black swan against the West.”
Steve Quayle:  “The interview that King World News did with Dr. Roberts is one of the most important interviews that anyone has ever done as it relates to the perilous times we are living in and the lateness of the hour.  Yes, Russia will unleash black swans against the West, but here is the scary part:  The Chinese and the Russians no longer believe in ‘Mutually Assured Destruction,’ or MAD.  Instead, they believe in ‘First Strike.’  What that means is that if they are threatened, they reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in a first strike….

"What people don’t know, Eric, is that the Russians are ready to shelter the majority of their populations in major cities in the event of a nuclear war.  By contrast, the United States only has facilities for the elite and key personnel in the form of roughly 234 underground bases.  These bases are referred to by the military and the elite as Deep Underground Military Bases (or DUMB).
And if you look at what is happening right now in the United States, I’m getting reports from all over the country from food processors about huge orders of food by U.S. government agencies to be delivered to these underground bases.  The key is the government has requested immediate shipment of this food so that it can be stockpiled.
These are the type of preparations that would be taken if it appeared that world war, or a possible nuclear exchange was on the horizon.  Concurrent with this stockpiling, I am getting reports from all over the country from store managers that selection and quantity of food is disappearing from grocery store shelves in states where these underground bases are located such as Kentucky, West Virginia, Kansas, Pennsylvania, etc.
Meanwhile, the Chinese are buying factories, farms, mines, fresh water resources, etc.  Other Far Eastern and Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds are also accumulating these key resources.   The Chinese and the Russians understand that at the end of the day it’s all about natural resources and being able to deliver these natural resources to a market that has the money or gold to pay for these key commodities.
And as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said, the Russians are not just going to sit still while the United States and the West ramp up aggressions against their country.  Cyberwarfare is increasing dramatically as we speak.  There are serious concerns about the ability of the United States’ banking system to whether extremely sophisticated cyberattacks.  The Sony breach is just one example of how a detrimental cyberattack can bring one of the world’s most prominent entertainment giants to its knees.”
Eric King:  “Steve, people used to think that those who were preparing for disaster were crazy.  Now we see the United States government ordering survival kits for employees of every major bank as well as key personnel at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency."  
Quayle:  “Those survival kits you just described, Eric, will allow those employees and key government personnel to ‘shelter in place.’  Just like Dr. Roberts said, the world is now on the brink and appears to be headed for catastrophe.  As one of the original founders of the preparedness movement 30 years ago, it’s very important that people are prepared for what’s coming.  Those who fail to prepare are ensuring a bad outcome for themselves and their families.  People can be incredibly wealthy, Eric, but what good will it do them if the banks are shut down and they have no access to their wealth due to a cyberattack and lockdown of the financial system?”

