2015年1月18日 星期日

Gold – The Hedge Against Government – NOT Inflation

Martin Amstrong 一路咬定買金是為咗防政府失策, 而唔係為防通脹, 但如果一路聽佢講唔買金, 一路等到金價見800美元, 依家手中得個桔 ! 所以一定要睇多幾個專家評論, 而去做好自己投資 ! 

個些以為只有股市先可以賺到錢的人真係對佢地無野好講, 幾年下來已輸幾條街都可以安慰自己, 賺到錢, 還引好多新仔去追捧 ! 當然在投資市場唔係人人可以賺到盡, 唔輸都要偷笑啦 ! 

見到投資銀行和基金近來在油市和匯市連連敗北, 真擔心來緊個市場 !


COMMENT: Marty, one of the comments on the Mises Institution site says it all. You are never wrong. I have to admit. I was a goldbug and listened to the bullshit as you call it. Yet this action in gold has proven not merely were you correct in saying gold would pop, it has nothing to do with QE, inflation, or any other weird theory they use to sell gold. You are correct because everything is connected as you say. To be right on the peg collapse,  as you even wrote on here stating that pegs cannot last back in early 2012, you had to be correct on gold.
You are revealing not that you are always right as an individual, but that there is a whole new way of looking at the world. I must say you are the man that steps forward in history when society needs people the most. The fact they are making this movie about you proves this point. You are indeed the greatest asset we have in trying to make that step forward rather than backward. You are the forecaster and the only such person to ever have a movie made about him for his forecasts.
Fantastic. Thank you so much for your perseverance. In the face of adversity you have stood your ground when many would shrivel in seconds.

REPLY: Thank you for the flattery. I sure hope I am not the lone individual history produces in its darkest hour. It would be nice to have some help. This is my DISCOVERY rather than my theory. Running around the globe I would meet the same top brokers who were dealing in Geneva with members of OPEC in the early 1980s moving to Tokyo in the later 1980s post-1986 reforms. The talent followed the money flows and so was the demand for our services. It was this tremendous diversity of clients that forced me to see the light. I looked upon myself as a simple trader. It was Milton Friedman who came to listen to my speech in Chicago that forced me to see what I was observing was important to the world. So this was NEVER my assumption from the outset, It became my DISCOVERY from working globally.
It is strange that everything I have been through has been about trying to suppress this discovery because the ramifications are massive. Politicians cannot run for office proclaiming vote for me and I will do this or that when the free markets internationally dictate the trend. Everything changes right down to the core assumptions of how to run a government once you see the light.
All I can do is try to help others turn on the light that still others are trying so desperately to suppress. It is our future at stake. I can personally retire. But what about my posterity. What will we leave behind for them unless reform takes place? I do know this is a serious point in history. A real crossroads that we face.

7 則留言:

  1. actually he suggested people to buy gold, but in gold coins bor. He said back in Sept 2014 "The future for gold looks very bright." And the repeated again today.

  2. 呢幾年佢在鬧個D叫人買金買銀的人, 所以好多人以為佢反對人買金, 只可以在舊文搵到佢支持買金的文章, 而我都有指出過 !
    其實大家都支持買金, 不過角度和表達問題, 因為Martin Amstrong著重在短線投資, 就如有人會說: 短線睇跌, 但長線睇升 !

  3. oh actually he is just against those people made up stories and blow about gold is hedging against inflation.

    haha btw, do you support buying property now?

  4. 依家買樓真係大風險, 因為政府在咁加建樓宇, 不過我都想佢跌, 可以買返間俾仔女住 !

  5. 依家最平就是實金和實銀 !

  6. 之前賣咗想買返,MA都話香港仲有得升。so SCARY

  7. 要睇D資金流去邊度避險, 可以是物業也可以是金銀 !
    自住物業一定唔可以賣, 因為最怕是搬屋, 搬來搬去一陣要訓街 !
