2015年1月27日 星期二

IMF:荷蘭去年12月增持黃金 08年來首次



IMF 數據顯示,黃金持有量最多的國家之一俄羅斯上個月增持約666,500安士黃金,黃金儲備總量為3,880萬安士。哈薩克斯坦將黃金儲備增加2.2%,至 620萬安士。白俄羅斯的黃金儲備增加3.3%,至140萬安士。荷蘭官方黃金儲備增加30.9萬安士,至2,000萬安士,增幅1.6%。馬來西亞也增 加其黃金儲備量,從110萬安士升至120萬安士。





Currency Wars - Russia Buys 20.7 Tonnes Of Gold In December; Netherlands Refutes IMF Gold Data

UPDATE: Since we published our blog this morning, the Dutch central bank has denied that it added to its gold reserves in December.

De Nederlandsche Bank, the Dutch central bank has denied reports in Reuters, Bloomberg and picked up by GoldCore, that the bank had increased its gold holdings for the first time in sixteen years. IMF data had shown that the Dutch had increased their holdings to 622.08 tonnes.
“De Nederlandsche Bank has not increased its gold holdings. Several media reported this Tuesday that based on IMF figures, DNB’s gold stock increased in December 2014. This is incorrect,” it said on its website.
The DNB’s correct and current gold holdings consist of 19.691 million troy ounces (612.5 tonnes), the tenth largest holder of the metal in the world, according to the World Gold Council’s January data.

We believe that it is only a matter of time before a European or other central bank begins to emulate China and Russia and starts accumulating gold. Today's error may portend tomorrow's reality. It is important to note that while Dutch central bank gold accumulation would have been a very significant development, Russia's steady and robust accumulation of gold is very important. It came at a time when some analysts were suggesting and there was much chatter that Russia would sell gold reserves.

