2015年1月17日 星期六

Jim Willie: Dollar Will Severely Crack By Mid- February!

等睇戲, 百年一遇 !

你做好安全設施沒呀 ?


As 2015 began, the global breakdown is getting more clear. The retail and oil sectors are failing.  There will be a worldwide call to an end of the dollar. 
In 2015, the BRICS alliance countries will come to center stage and openly call for the end of the dollar and institute the gold standard as a solution.
The oil industry has $2 Trillion in sub-prime bonds, which is bigger than the sub-prime mortgage problem that blew up and caused the 2008 crash.  In the next few months you will see a crashing  of those sub-prime bonds.
By the end of January there is going to be an international move away from the dollar.
The dollar will severely crack around the Chinese New Year in mid-February.
The dollar is dying.

Submitted by GramsGold

In an interview with Jim Willie on January 9, 2015 with Paul Sandhu, Willie says“I believe the US has already defaulted. They suspended the debt limit and the Chinese now has controlling interest over theFederal Reserve.
The Chinese have taken ownership of JP Morgan’s headquarters, which includes the largest private non-central bank gold vault in the world, that has underground tunnels into the Federal Reserve gold vaults.
Regarding the US debt default, I believe the Chinese have told the Americans: “Don’t announce it, because we’re still busy converting out Treasury Bonds into hard assets, like port facilities, energy projects, mining deposits and commercial office buildings.

The Chinese are putting billions on deposit in Wells Fargo, and borrowing 5-7 times as much to buy US commercial buildings. The Chinese are using the US system to bring about a “commercial colonization.
They’ve got about 7 industrial parks. Some are in upstate New York, Idaho, and in Pittsburgh the Chinese bought the huge, abandoned “Westinghouse Mills.”
They are going to become the biggest American employer in about 3 years. They are also buying in South America as well.

Oil Price Crash to Cause Economic Crash Worse Than 2008 This Year

What’s the true story about oil? It’s not strictly a supply and demand issue. China and the Saudis are wrecking the US oil industry by dropping the oil price. In Canada you have a 64% decline in rigs in just 6 weeks!
The bigger story to come is that:
The oil industry has $2 Trillion subprime bonds, which is bigger than the subprime mortgage problem that blew up
and caused the 2008 crash.
In the next few months you will see a crashing
of those subprime bonds.

The Petrodollar is Now Dead

There has been much talk about when the petrodollar will end. It has been dead for over a year. What confirmed it for me was when the Brent crude oil price converged to the “West Texas” price. The next stage is when countries start openly trading in oil without using dollars, which will happen in 2015.

Russia Is Not Falling Apart

The mainstream media states that the great USA engineered 
the oil price to damage Russia. That’s wrong.
Russia is dumping US Treasuries and buying gold. 
The Russians are not hurting like the western press makes them out to be. They have found a second source of food in South America. Turkey will send them things they need as well.
The mainstream media states that the great USA engineered the oil price to damage Russia.That’s wrong. The ruble has declined in its exchange rate as much as the oil price, so the oil price has not changed for Russia.
The impact they do have is in import prices from Germany, like BMWs. Russia is NOT draining their gold reserves as the West says. Instead, they are dumping Treasury Bonds.

They are converting the dumped Treasury Bonds to GOLD, which is the exact opposite of the western propaganda states. Their economy is not falling on its face. I repeat - Russia is NOT falling apart.

The European Nations are Trying to Form a Large Hoard of Gold 

The Europeans are demanding their gold back. Why? I learned that the Germans got advanced warning back in 2011 about the Ukraine war, and didn’t like it, so asked for their gold back.
Now I’m learning that the central European nations are trying to form a large hoard of gold. I believe it is going to be used as the European “deposit” in order to be a member of the new BRICS gold and silver-backed currency system. They cannot join it without submitting their gold deposit. So they want their gold back.
The US and French has held back on giving Germany its gold back. But Germany has much more gold – they have over 4,500 tons in reserves. It’s one of the leading nations in the world for gold holdings. They can’t get 1/10th of what they already own, from the US. They have 90% of their gold in their possession.
The West does not want you to know Germany has all this gold. They want you to think gold is irrelevant, while we are staging wars all over the world, stealing central bank gold. Within 3 weeks of the Ukraine coup d’etat by the US fascists  – they stole the Kiev central bank gold of 33 tons and put out a false story that it’s in safe-keeping at the New York Fed.
That bought the US another couple months to dump it on the gold market (to suppress the prices).

Gold Standard & New World Order

In 2015, the BRICS alliance countries will come to center stage and openly call for the end of the dollar and institute the gold standard as a solution. 
As 2015 began, the global breakdown is getting more clear. The retail and oil sectors are failing. There will be a worldwide call to an end of the dollar. In the last seven G20 meetings, the most important announcements were that the G20 was morphing into a BRICS conference.
In 2015, the BRICS alliance countries will come to center stage and openly call for the end of the dollar and institute the gold standard as a solution.
They will say that now is the time, as they don’t want all their economies to fail simultaneously.
I believe this is part of the so-called “New World Order.”

Future of the United States

The Americans are going to experience MASSIVE SHORTAGES along with an INCREASE of PRICES.
Their national leaders are going to explain to Americans the urgent need to come up with a domestic currency, in order to secure import supply.
If the US loses its reserve currency status, it’s going to have to pay for its imports with some other currency. If they start a new dollar, they will have to prove what it’s back with. They may say it’s gold-backed, but then cannot prove they have it, because it’s no longer there. Instead, there are mining contracts for the future “digging up” of gold. Of course that won’t be accepted.
Then this new US currency will be devalued 30% out of the gate, then another 30% in 6 months, to a total of 70% devaluation of the dollar.
When global trade stops in the dollar, the banks of the world are going to stop taking Treasury Bonds and dump the ones they have.
The Americans are going to experience MASSIVE SHORTAGES along with an INCREASE of PRICES. Then comes chaos, disorder and rioting. Then comes the martial law.


I have not said that the dollar will end in 2015, 
but that 2015 is the year the dollar suffers some very severe, if not fatal, cracks in the system. 
I think by the end of January there is going to be an international move away from the dollar.
The dollar will severely crack around the Chinese New Year in mid-February
The dollar is dying. IT’s falling UP. It’s a difficult notion to understand. The financial markets are all controlled by the derivatives.They are covering like $4 Trillion dollars a year in derivatives. They are the main items that the Federal Reserve are covering.
That’s why I said that before the dollar dies, it will first rise and then rise some more. 
We are starting to see all the major financial markets crack on the upside while oil is cracking on the downside. The world is onto our game. The dollar is dying.
At the end of January you are really going to see things further cracking. By trying to hurt Russia with sanctions, the US is only really alienating itself, as Russia makes agreements with China. The US is not going to isolate Russia, but instead isolate themselves from the BRICS and their 170 alliance nations. The US is in the process of isolating itself. 


The Germans might let Greece go – to cause the chaos in London and the US.
The Russian sanctions are actually hurting Europe more than the Russians. Germans are going to abandon the European Union. They are against the Russian sanctions, saying they ‘make no sense’.
Russia played an excellent chess move, and said they were going to build the Southstream gasline through Turkey and not through Europe , and let the northern nations fend for themselves.
The US is telling the European nations: “Join us. Join the war in Ukraine, let’s block off Russian energy, trade, banks and influence. Join us in the United States, as we wreck your economies, destroy your labor market and destroy your wealth. War is good! Poverty is your future!”The Greek situation could be a real big fuse. The Germans made an official statement a week or two ago, saying, “It would be no big deal if Greece leaves the European union (EU).”
This could be the good element of Germany, allowing Greece to default, with Russia and Chinese’s blessing, knowing that doing so would bring about a lot of havoc to London and New York banks.
The Germans might let Greece go- to cause the chaos in London and the US. Then the Germans can say “This union is no longer viable.” This could be their excuse to leave the EU.

6 則留言:

  1. lisa姐真唔真呢,好似李丞責都話上半年會有新金融系统。

  2. 下個月就是啦, 唔曬等好耐 :)

  3. 90%人還在睡夢中, 而個10%中有90%人唔信, 只得1%人有預備 :)

  4. 餘下1%有準備的人還不一定選對了方向, 只可以祝大家(包括我自己)好運

  5. 就會如瑞郎脫勾來得咁突然, 快而狠 ! XD !
