2015年1月30日 星期五

Jim Willie: US Dollar Will Not Survive 2015!

夠陰毒, 在美元爆煲前, 把全世界的資金趕入美元內, 之後落閘放狗, 一網打盡 ! 所以大家須忍耐下 !

www.silverdoctors.com 全文

The forecast for fast acceleration of events into the January month has occurred on schedule.  Normally a very big event occurs every several weeks, or every few months.  In just the last three weeks, ten have taken place of significance.
The pace has quickened in an alarming fashion. The Great Quickening has commenced.
Something big, ugly, and nasty this way comes.
The disruptive events and pace of systemic breakdown are surely going to continue.  The year will go down in history as extremely messy, extremely chaotic, and extremely important in the demise of the USDollar.
Check the 7-year cycle for an amazing sequence that goes back to the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo, the 1980 Gold & Silver Hunt Brothers peak, the 1987 Black Monday, the 1994 Irrational Exuberance with ensuing Asian Meltdown, the 2001 Inside 9/11 Job, and the 2008 Lehman failure.
The Year 2015 will be known for the USDollar demise with full fireworks.
With the acceleration of events in progress and in view, the pressures will grow against the entire King Dollar Court, the corrupt fortresses in Wall Street and London Centre, the crime syndicate hive.
The USDollar will not survive the year.

