2015年1月30日 星期五

Man Who Predicted Collapse Of Euro Against Swiss Franc Issues Third Terrifying Warning To The World

口口聲聲說要接受新理念的後生仔, 原來接受唔到呢些新概念 !

一知人地年齡大過佢地就認為人地思想是 out !

FED 洗腦黃金不是貨幣是好成功, 好彩還有一班好心的老人家警惕全世界 !


Today the man who 59 days ago remarkably predicted the collapse of the euro against the Swiss franc just issued a third terrifying warning to the world.  This King World News interview takes a trip down the rabbit hole of massive chaos, panic and wealth destruction, as well as a frightening monster that has been unleashed on the world.

Egon von Greyerz:  “Eric, as you know I’ve had a long-standing forecast — for over 10 years — that gold will reach $10,000 in today’s money.  I’m also convinced that in the future the world won’t have anything resembling today’s money because of all the money printing that will take place as well as the accompanying hyperinflations….

“So in real terms the gold price will be a lot higher than $10,000.  Everything is falling into place for the destruction of the current monetary system.  Unfortunately this will also destroy a lot of people’s lives because they won’t be prepared or even understand why the worldwide meltdown is happening.
Massive Wealth Destruction And Chaos
People should ignore stock market rallies because we are now entering a period of massive wealth destruction and chaos in the world economy.  It is not my intention to create panic, but instead to warn people ahead of time so they can save themselves and their families from the coming devastation.
Eric, $10,000 gold is guaranteed in my view.  Gold will act as a refuge for a small number of governments, entities and people around the world as the annihilation in the global markets and financial system begins to unfold.  The unprecedented credit creation, money printing and manipulation of markets will end in disaster.

Panic Into Gold
What has happened to the price of gold since the November bottom is very significant.  Despite the pullback, gold has broken out in virtually every single currency.  Gold has literally skyrocketed in troubled currencies such as the ruble — rising 120 percent since November.
1913: U.S. Federal Reserve Monster Unleashed On The World
The reality is that the global fiat currencies have now started their final leg down that began with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.  Before this Great Purge is completed, all fiat currencies will reach their intrinsic value, which is zero.  There will be a panic into gold and this will save a handful of the world’s population from the coming collapse of the global currencies.
At the end of this disastrous and chaotic period, the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank won’t survive, nor will the Bank of Japan or the Fed.  And if the central banks won’t survive, neither will the commercial banks.  Regardless of how this Great Purge unfolds, now is the final opportunity to buy wealth protection insurance in the form of physical gold and have it stored outside of the banking system.

Financial System Will Not Survive
This money creation has served to increase the wealth of the elite, while leaving a mountain of debt for the masses.  We are now looking at the last opportunity for investors to protect themselves from total destruction.  Let me be clear:  The financial system will not survive in any recognizable form in the next few years.
The one quadrillion dollars of derivatives will devour any hope for the financial system as it begins to take down banks and other major entities.  Total world debt is already roughly $300 trillion.  This figure will balloon in size as a cascade of printed money from desperate central banks is created in a futile effort to save the world financial system.

More Than 100 Years Of Curruption
But it will all be in vain as the system implodes, together with all the assets that have been financed by this enormous Ponzi scheme and debt pyramid.  Sadly, this is the inevitable consequence of the corruption and mismanagement of the financial system over the last 100 years.  There are now more potential black swans ready to strike than at any time in the history of the world.  As one or more of them strikes, it will signal the beginning of the end.”

