2015年2月19日 星期四

After Global Financial Collapse, US to Back New Global Currency With Massive Secret Gold Reserves!


If Marshall Swing is correct, the country that emerges from the coming global financial collapse & introduces a new gold backed currency might not be who you think…

Submitted by Marshall Swing: 

I enjoy being ahead of the game.  Buy low, sell high – they call it or short high cover low…

All those who work diligently to study what is going on around them get to know or suspect what is going to happen before it happens.

3 report’s ago Doc’s headline he gives my article reads this:

“Marshall Swing: US Gov’t Stockpiling Oil to Withstand Complete Systemic Collapse in Fall 2015?”

In that article, I detail some I detail some U.S. government and commercial oil storage numbers as a result of research after discussions with Steve St. Angelo (SRSrocco) and then last week we see this headline in King World News Art Cashin interview:

“DANGER: One Of The Most Heavily Watched Indicators In The World Just Hit An 80-Year High!”

A key quote in that article is:

“The International Energy Agency (IEA) released their monthly report today and warned that excess oil supplies will raise global storage to a record 2.83 billion barrels by the end of June. The IEA warning means lower prices ahead but they do expect the supply/demand ratio to be back in balance by the end of 2015. Currently production is 1.5 mbpd over demand and that oil has to be stored somewhere.”

Back in balance by the end of 2015?

Hmmm, no mention of the economic collapse coming round about September 2015.  Guess the boys at KWN do not want to go out on a limb? (Just kidding!)
When we get to September and beyond, remember I told readers here at SD there was an economic crash coming and when it was coming, AND the details of what it is all about – long before anyone else in the economic sector started predicting a 2015 collapse, except Martin Armstrong and his data analysis, even before Jonathan Cahn and Mark Biltz were famously out in print and interviews saying they suspect it will be so based on prophecies and observances of Shemitah.

But, back to oil for a minute…
My friend Steve St. Angelo (SRSrocco) wrote a very good price this week on EROI and I fail to understand why it only gets what appears to be limited view reads.  That article is extremely important to understand the pressures on the U.S. oil industry and one sure aspect of why the U.S. is in such a dire straight energy wise and the only thing holding the U.S. government and economy up IS the fact of its stranglehold on the world economic scene via paper fiat Breton Woods based single currency trade denominated in U.S. toilet paper.
Read, people, read and read it slowly!
If you missed that article, you are missing key insight into the puzzle of why all this is going to end soon.

Here is my favorite quote from it:
“If it wasn’t for the United States Triple “A” Credit Card Rating, its economy would have collapsed years ago.  Why?  It’s low 4,577 barrels per day of oil per drilling rig is not a sustainable EROI model.  Basically, the U.S. economy could not sustain itself on its own energy production without exploiting the world by exchanging PAPER GARBAGE TREASURIES for real goods and services.

The day is approaching when the producers of the world such as the BRICS countries will no longer take paper IOU’s for goods and services.  The falling EROI is the key fundamental factor that shows the U.S. Empire is indeed in serious trouble.”

The United States took quick action to fill up its storage tanks will cheap oil and countries around the world are doing the same but when everything is full up there is a major problem on the production side of nowhere to go, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  And the futures and options on oil are bets based on the production side (far more so than gold and silver) and the bottom will drop out once the game of chicken is realized in the market.  Will OPEC slow production in June/July timeframe to stem the bottom dropping out?  Can they even accomplish that?

Who blinks first?

Then there is gold…

Just look at the headlines on SD today, Monday, and what they are saying is massive gold buying by Central Banks, massive shipments to Shanghai, and gold is a financial nuclear weapon.  Anybody who thinks the BRICS just want to get along with the West are dreaming.

All these countries are building up their gold stores for a purpose not just a reason of maintaining store of value.

Their goal is to flip the switch, at some unknown point, and make the rest of the world pay in physical gold for goods and services.  They want honesty in the world’s markets and the ONLY WAY to get it is to have a hard asset based world economy that credits countries for doing the right and honest thing and not merely being pawns in the West’s economic fiat paper enslavement.

Can you hear Moses saying “LET MY PEOPLE GO”?
He is shouting IT!!!

The bible speaks of just weights and measures and even people who do not believe in God BELIEVE in the wisdom in these Laws:
Leviticus 19:35-36 (NKJV)
35 ‘You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume. 36 You shall have honest scales, honest weights, an honest ephah, and an honest hin: I am YHVH (the Lord) your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 25:13-16 (NKJV)
13 “You shall not have in your bag differing weights, a heavy and a light. 14 You shall not have in your house differing measures, a large and a small. 15 You shall have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure, that your days may be lengthened in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.16 For all who do such things, all who behave unrighteously, are an abomination to YHVH (the Lord) your God.
Proverbs 20:10 New King James Version (NKJV)
10 Diverse weights and diverse measures, They are both alike, an abomination to YHVH (the Lord).

The entire world, outside of the West knows well the unfair games the Federal Reserve plays at the behest of the elite and how they manipulate currencies and commodity prices so they maintain the slave relationship and indebt the nations with endless paper fiat they do not hesitate a moment to devalue, and in turn rape the natural resources of wealthy hard asset countries at WALMART prices.
See my favorite Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index below, which is a composite against a range of currencies.
What the West has done to the countries of the world, however, is institute a fake, paper fiat currency foundation that is meaningless and regularly causes immense currency wars throughout the SLAVE WORLD.  All you have to do is read the financial news these days and countries all over the world are devaluing the currencies in order to hope to compete economically and maintain a semblance of economic order and not go the Zimbabwe route or the loss of economy stagnation route like Japan.

At the moment they think they can survive on it, a Russia, a China, a Saudi Arabia, or an India is going to require physical gold and/or silver and other hard assets as payment for certain goods and/or services and because of their integral role in the world’s economy they will be able to demand it and get it.
This will cause immense upheaval in the markets but the end is not quite yet.
It leads to the worldwide economic crash, which is completely planned and scheduled and the eventual resolution of that crash is a single world governmental structure and completely accepted one world currency backed with gold and possibly silver hard assets.

The real question is how long will the West allow the world to go on in chaos before they resolve the civil disobedience and death around the world because people do not have food and goods, and institute the global economy with the gold I suspect the U.S. does indeed hold secretly in Hawaii via “Yamashita’s Gold” ? (read Gold Warriors) and confirmed by Karen Hudes, very unexpectedly and almost without reason.

I find it easy to step back from personal wants and needs and look at the world situation, all that is developing, and see it leads right into Daniel’s 70th Week on September 23,2015 just as the prophecies say the world ends up there in the bok of Revelation.  It is just as easy for me when I reviewed all the data analysis and mathematical modeling on gold and silver futures and options and could see 3 years ago the trend was to crash those commodities even when far more well known analysts were saying they were going to rise.
Those analysts are good analysts, don’t get me wrong, but they sometimes lack the ability to step out of the box and see the whole big picture.
And when you step outside and see Islamic State beheading dozens of Christians on beaches and letting their blood run into the ocean of the Mediterranean, you know the end is near.  When you read the prophecy that indicates a generation would not pass in Israel once they became a nation again, then all things would be fulfilled, you know the end is near because a generation in Israel today is 81 years and 1948+81=2029.  But we are not going to make it in this condition until 2029 as I believe that the final Week of Daniel begins on September 23, 2015 and concludes in the Fall of 2022.

That’s my take on it, yes, that is what I believe is going to happen.
I have immense evidence to declare such a thing and I will reveal much more of that evidence soon.

But for now, back to gold and silver!

In silver, remember this statement from my report last week?
Commercials picked up 5,099 new longs into declining price (hint, hint)

Well, those silver Commericals are still holding those longs at the end of the COT Week and may still be holding them as we speak as price has drifted back to the same point as the end of the previous COT, despite price having dropped significantly in between.  Those longs are cards in the hands of a very skillful poker player and when you read my report you begin to understand what they do and no other analyst tells you these things.  And I don’t charge a penny for it.
Now, do they intend to hold them as an anchor for price at this level or let price rise so they can turn a quick profit with their typical short covering raids?
In the price decline and the aftermath Friday of COT Week, we see the usual Large Speculators forced out of 2,132 longs and grabbing 1,577 shorts thinking a huge crash was imminent.  It did not happen for them and their shorts have been decimated to the upside as we will see in the next COT and the one after that.  The Commercials did the obvious short covering raid with a total 3,367 shorts covered.  Some small Speculators picked up some longs in there, hopefully around the $16.54 price low and they are well into the money now.  Since the end of COT Week, silver has seen a steady increase in total open interest so that is very good for those Small Spec longs.  Looking at the disaggregated COT we see a few longs picked up by the Swap Dealer and Managed Money but nothing significant to indicate future price direction.

Going to gold numbers we see a total rape, pillage, and sack of the Large Speculators with those guys forced out of 29,970 longs (almost 3 million long ounces) and the Commercials in an outright raid covering 29,154 shorts!!
Could Congress be more divided along party lines?  NO.

In disaggregated gold, we see both Commercial Houses completely and totally congruent in the short covering raid, equal partners in crime massacring unsuspecting Speculators, their wives, and their children.  They took no prisoners! (Wives and children are the multitude of options as well as the other side of the Lake (Atlantic) bets on gold and silver naked derivatives of longs and shorts in England’s casino games).
At the bottom of bottoms we see the Swap Dealers emerge with 6,189 new longs and after the COT Week there is another short covering raid to even lower prices (and I suspect more longs for the Commercials) so I am going to step out on the plank, blindfolded and predict price may go up a little more than we see now, at 1PM on Monday because these Commercials in gold are doing the very same thing the Commercials in silver did previously!  They are incognito congruent with only a little time separating their paper metal naked longs!

The 2 Years Silver Bottoms is still intact and safe…

And the Sun still revolves around the Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDWyRjFnYkw


Stay thirsty for physical gold and silver at these ridiculously low prices!

And still reporting from the Wilderness of Southern Illinois,


1 則留言:

  1. www.awaker.hk/2015/01/30/benjamin-and-david-koch-will-interview-in-russia/ 50分钟後有爆一二次大戰黄金下落,
