2015年2月28日 星期六

Real Estate – To Buy or Not To Buy – That is the Question

幫 Martin Amstrong 的說話解碼先:

2015年10月後美國樓價會下跌, 是對美元來計, 但對歐羅和人民幣來計樓價還是上升的, 就是說美元會一路強落去 ?

但到時借到按揭的機會都一樣減少,  所以有現金的人要買都可以等一等,  依家要買的人須做美元對沖 !


Two questions about real estate have been asked by many people:

1. Do you think it is wise now to buy a house and get hooked on a mortgage knowing that 2015.75 is around the corner?

2. Do you think residential real estate valuations and interest rates will collapse on the other side of 2015.75 and should I wait until around 2016.8 to buy? 

Mortgage rates are going into a major low. When the economy turns, the availability of mortgages will decline as always with the cycle. If you have cash and want to buy real estate cheap, yes it is wise to wait. If you want to play the game, then you can buy now and hedge this with shorts/puts on bonds. It depends on your expertise.

Depending on the area, those that have seen the sharpest advances will drop the most. There should be some stabilization as foreign capital will still flow into the USA and real estate plotted in dollars may decline while it is still rising in Euros or Yuan.

