2015年3月26日 星期四

This Is Going To Radically Change The World


On a day where stocks are dipping, today the top trends forecaster in the world spoke with King World News about a developing situation that is going to radically change the world in which we live.

Gerald Celente:  “Look at what’s happening with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).  Of course when the United Kingdom said they were going to join it, there was a lot of pressure from the United States for them not to join it and yet they did anyway.  There are now 35 initial members and it’s ready to launch….

“So it will be official by next Tuesday, March 31st.  This AIIB is going to be a competitor to the IMF and the World Bank.  Again, the United States has been putting pressure on its allies not to join but one by one they are joining anyway.
More Countries Continue Joining AIIB

So after the UK, we had France, Germany and Italy join.  Now it appears that even South Korea is going to join.  When you look at the reasons why these countries are joining it’s very clear:  The United States has a military pivot to Asia, but China’s pivot to Asia is business.  So the business of America is war but the business of China is business.

For example, 12 percent of South Korea’s exports go to the United States but 25 percent go to China.  You can see South Korea's motivation — it's money.  So the United States sent over U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Daniel Russell, to try to talk the South Koreans out of joining.  The U.S. was saying they have to make sure the AIIB meets, ‘The high-water mark,’ of the World Bank and the IMF.  

What a bunch of hypocrisy that is because when you look at the people who ran, or are running, the World Bank, one of them was Paul Wolfowitz, the architect of the Iraq War and the Wolfowitz Doctrine that essentially launched an attack against the former Soviet Union, once it collapsed: 

"Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power."
So that’s who is running the World Bank.  Is that the 'high-water mark' the U.S. demands AIIB sink to?
China Invests In Growth

Then you look at the new president of Afghanistan — he worked for the World Bank for several years.  So what’s this ‘high-water mark?’  When you look at the name of it, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, it’s anathema to what America does.  Over the last 20 years China has invested some 8.5 percent of its GDP annually into infrastructure.  And during that same period, the United States’ infrastructure investment was a big 0.06 percent.

China Going For The Gold As Western Mainstream Media Silent
So infrastructure and investment are not the kinds of policies America really has much knowledge of.  The bottom line is about money.  It's the Golden Rule: 'Those who have the gold, rule.'  China is going for the gold in their investments into Asia and emerging and developing markets.  China is building the Asian economies rather than getting involved in wars.
When you look at the development of the BRIC nations as well, going with their banking systems, you can see this is more and more of a move away from the United States and the dollar as a reserve currency and the United States as a world power.  It’s a new millennium shift to the East that’s being overlooked by the mainstream media, but the implications of this are enormous.”

