2015年4月6日 星期一

Gold Surges After Goldman Says It Is Time To "Put Rate Hikes On Hold For Now"

又炒唔加息 !


While equity futures are modestly higher compared to Friday's early 9:15 am close, where only a short, 45 minute long bloodbath was allowed on Good Friday after the worst jobs report in two years, the one asset class that has moved the most by far this evening is gold, which has spiked by 1.5% and is on the verge of breaking out above the resistance level that has proven a tractor beam to any momentum breakout over the past 2 months.

If gold rises above $1225 overnight, or rather if the trading desk under the supervision of Benoit Gilson, the BIS' "head of FX and gold" allows the price of paper gold to reach that level, a huge short squeeze will be imminent because, as a reminder, in addition to the EUR, gold shorts are also at a record high.

As for the reason why gold is suring off the bat, the main reason cited by trading desks is what Goldman announced late on Friday and what Zero Hedge reported first, namely Goldman's economic team strong hint to the Federal Reserve that "believe that the right policy would be to put hikes on hold for now."

This is the punchline from Goldman's 180 degree turn on its "above consensus" growth forecast for the US economy:

Simultaneous shocks are more likely to do the trick. Exhibit 5 provides an example of what could raise the confidence score above 75%, a likelihood one might consider to qualify as “reasonable confidence.” The chart shows the marginal impact on the confidence score of a combination of shocks. A ½pp improvement in the growth outlook would raise the confidence score by 8bp, a ½pp pick-up in wage growth on top of that would raise the confidence score by another 4pp and an additional ¼pp shock to inflation expectations would be enough to boost the confidence score for the combined scenario to over 75%.

One can assume that the BIS gold selling division will be very busy when the Fed trial balloons not only an end to rate hikes, but leaks the first hint that QE4 is just around the corner.


【on.cc東網專訊】 受上周五醜陋的非農報告影響,美元兌主要貨幣周一亞洲市延續跌勢,現貨黃金則大幅上揚,每安士現報1,217.66美元,最高見1,218.92美元,貼近3周高位1,219.40美元。

