2015年6月20日 星期六

Greece Standing Strong On The Shoulders Of Russia & China, Plus The Road To $19,000 Gold


Today one of the top money managers in the world told King World News that Greece is standing strong on the shoulders of Russia and China.  He also spoke about the road to $19,000 gold.

Stephen Leeb:  “The Chinese want to back their currency, which will become a reserve currency, with gold.  That will change the world’s monetary system.  It will turn the world's monetary system on its head because then gold will suddenly become an official monetary metal…. 

“The yuan will be the king of reserve currencies, even though they may not be allotted a king size share of the IMF’s SDR.  Regardless, people around the world will want to own the currency that is backed by gold.

Greece Calls The IMF – "A Criminal Organization"
Turning to Greece, people are wondering why the Greeks are being so resistant to anything the Europeans are offering?  It is because Greece feels it has another alternative.  Someone from Greece called the IMF a ‘criminal organization.’  These are not the words of a weak country that is negotiating with a giant.  These are the words of a country that really thinks it has a lot of leverage.

Greece Standing Strong On The Shoulders Of Russia And China
Well, Greece does have a lot of leverage because they are looking to the East to China and Russia, both of whom have been making overtures to Greece.  China already owns 1/3 of a Greek port and they want to buy a full 100 percent stake in that key port.  The Chinese will then send trains through Greece, up to Budapest and to Germany.
And Russia has already offered Greece a spot with the BRICS Bank.  Russia has also said they will build a gas pipeline through Greece, which will go to the rest of Europe.
What this says to me is that, ultimately, China’s concept of the East may actually end up going further to the West.  A Chinese/Russian alliance may even go right to Germany.  This might be the endgame.  And Greece, which basically divides East from West, is at a critical juncture.
The bottom line is there is an inevitability of monetary hegemony and economic hegemony by the East, in which China will play the lead role, and an inevitability to a gold standard.  This is one of the reasons why Greece does not mind becoming independent because they know they can become part of a currency that is backed by gold.
The Road To $19,000 Gold
And you are seeing the U.S. push back but they have failed to stop the Chinese from having a major role in the coming IMF SDR.  This is why people need to own gold.  I have previously told you that gold should be trading at $19,000 by my calculations.  It may take 5 – 7 years for gold to hit that level but in the meantime it is on sale in a big way and people should be buying as much physical gold as they possibly can.”

