2015年7月24日 星期五

Carry Trade & Capital Flows

睇唔睇到金融遊戲的陷阱呀 ?

禁低利息等你地去借錢呀 !

之後就提高利息, 等你地須俾多些息, 又要去追貴美元 !

如果你是借咗好多美元的企業或有十幾層樓又全是做按揭的業主, 你一定訓唔著啦 !



Hi Martin, Could you please explain whether your Computer model integrates the Carry trade into its Algorithms, and what influence the Carry trade will have (if Any) in the 2015.75 Sovereign Debt Crisis. Thank You

R R. H


Of course. The carry trade typically impacts capital flows. However, this will also distort trade figures. It appeared that China was doing well because traditional current account flows are not understood. The Chinese, who have accounts in Hong Kong, were borrowing dollars at low rates and investing in China at higher rates. This led many to think that China was still booming when it was really the carry trade between Hong Kong and Shanghai.

The Fed will raise rates and we will see the capital flows pointing into the USA for a flight to quality and the carry trade from euro to dollars. We will also see those who borrowed dollars to save money in the Third World forced to buyback their dollar shorts.

3 則留言:

  1. 加息唔算係咩陷阱,佢加得急就話姐

  2. 依家都沒開始, 等10月後啦 :)
    陷阱是在俾你地十年多的低息環境, 個個都以為一路都會低息, 所以一時的投資勝利, 以為自己好叻搵到發達財路, 最後都要輸返出去, 所以我一早說過唔好借太多的錢, 以為自己可以供得掂 !

    依家專家在說, 市場上的流動資金在乾枯, 打後會有好多衰野浮現出來, 因為無人可以再借到錢 !

    所以大家小心為上, 唔好去得太盡 !

  3. 幾似巫婆養肥兩個小孩的童話故事, 先養肥你才食咗你 !
