2015年8月28日 星期五

Answering Questions on Gold

可能金價還有得跌, 不過如果你依家唔去買2015年小熊貓金幣, 你會無機會買到的啦, 中銀都成日無貨 !



Marty, it appears you are correct once again in gold that this rally would not reverse the trend. The gold promoters have been all over the place claiming gold has bottomed and the stock market and the world will go to zero because of fiat. Is there a number we should be watching below since we cannot reach the 1187 number on the upside?


Yes. A daily closing back below 1108 will warn that high is in place. A closing tomorrow below 1180 will be bearish. We need a monthly closing ABOVE 1287 to suggest that this is actually breaking out and changing the trend. That does NOT appear to be likely until the general public loses confidence in government.

It is coming. This is what Trump is all about. ONLY when that unfolds will gold reverse for it is the hedge against government, not inflation, fiat, or any other nonsense. These people ruin the lives of investors; they talk a lot, yet do not offer a single example from history to support anything that they pretend will happen. I heard on the radio people trying to sell “black gold” (oil) as something that you will make 30% a year on. Just amazing.

6 則留言:

  1. 我去過兩次大洋都無得買小金幣, 而有朋友說去長城只買到半盎司 !
    所以先決定今日去錢幣展買, 因為住得遠唔可以日日去問 !
    今日買比之前買的平咗 :
    1/20盎司 590蚊
    1/10盎司 1030蚊
    1/4盎司 2410蚊

  2. 我之前連續兩日去中銀總行,一個熊貓都冇

  3. 買唔到。。。佢地叫我早啲,早極都十二點,但都冇。。。

  4. 小初哥,

    我係問妳有無去錢幣展買, 明天是最後一天 !
