2015年8月21日 星期五

Markets in Review


The markets are generally staging quite nicely for the ECM turning point. What generally rises into the turning point turns back down, and that which declines finds a bottom and rises. We have been stating that as long as the May high held, then we should decline in the U.S. share markets. A weekly closing below 2045 in the cash S&P500 should send the market down to retest the 1989–1988 level.

As far as Gold is concerned, the Weekly Bullish stands at 1188. That is still well above the market with the major resistance starting at 1205–1210 followed by 1225–1230.

The euro has been rallying nicely as well. Here we do not have a Weekly Bullish until we reach 114.50, while the major resistance continues to stand at 1257–1290.

So there is nothing to write home about to say there is a major change in trend.

Everything is jockeying for position. We need the scare to send cash rushing into the short-end for the flight to quality to complete the bubble in government.

Once that is complete, the future starts to shape up rather nice. What began in Shanghai has become the contagion. It is cyclical on a global scale and we are indeed all connected. It takes a computer to figure all this out.

9 則留言:

  1. 這次又給他說中了!好彩5月16日沽清了美股!

  2. 最緊要可以避過一劫 :)

  3. Lisa姐話,照 Martin Amstrong 預測, 歐美會下行一年至2016年10月 !是那肩講的,不知自已有沒有看漏那篇?我看是說,若下行到2015年9月尾,見一個低位,之後會步入上升軌!

  4. 明白了,照那幅圖,的確如此,但要看接近2015年10月1日前是一個甚麼位,因為有機會是cycle inversion,即是掉轉來運行!

  5. 所以要有兩手準備, 到時睇行哪一邊 :)

  6. 對的,睇送食飯,目前言之尚早,還有一個月,可以發生很大變化!

  7. 但總之十月一日前都不宜沾手股市,太風高浪急,心血少很難度過!

  8. 係, 一定要睇10月點行, 所以今晚有親人提議10月去遊長城我都推了, 最關鍵時刻 :)
