2015年9月25日 星期五

Did Gold Survive the Depression?

Martin Amstrong, 慳反啖氣啦, 我地唔係在炒金, 而係在儲實金, 所以會用平均價去計數, 也會買不跟金價升跌的收藏金幣, 呢些金幣只是跟收藏價值升跌 !

何況在金價轉升時, 你根本買唔到低溢價的金條/金幣啦, 因為多人搶購, 所以在無人買時, 為何唔可以慢慢儲貨 ?

所以買實金實銀, 絕唔同買股票, 因為買股票你可以等低位才買, 要幾多有幾多, 但實金實銀, 在低位可以無貨賣, 有錢在手都無用, 除非去買高溢價的飾金, 而我地都領教過, 在大媽搶飾金時, 真係可以好恐怖的 ! 

www.armstrongeconomics.com 全文

Some people totally confuse gold and money. During the Great Depression, we were on a gold standard. During a decline, ALL assets will decline against whatever is money, just as money declines during a boom. You need to separate MONEY from gold or you will never understand how the economy functions and you will buy gold when you should be selling. If you do not get this one right, forget it. You are not ready to invest.
If bronze or cattle were money, they would have risen against gold. It is MONEY vs. ASSETS — not gold. Today, gold is a commodity and it is tracking the commodity group as it is tracking silver. Gold moved opposite of silver between 1929 and 1932 only because it was then MONEY. So if you think a crash means that gold will rise, you are in for a very rude awakening.

You are doomed if you cling to the idea that gold will rise simply because stocks decline. Gold was DEVALUED in 1934 since gold was MONEY. What it could purchase for $20.67 then cost $35. The government confiscated gold and moved to a TWO-TIER monetary system with gold used exclusively for international settlements, not domestic.

6 則留言:

  1. 最好個金價可以再跌返落來, 俾我地可以買平D猴年金幣 XDDD !

  2. 這篇文章的觀點是這樣的……黄金的購買力於1930年代的大蕭條及銀行危機之中,購買力飛升,馬田認為主要由於當時黄金是法定貨幣,而我們身處的今天,黄金不再是法定貨幣,所以通縮時,它會跟隨其他商品下跌,到通脹才會上升。


  3. Lisa姐要留意,他這篇文說的只是通縮情況,但他有講過,通縮可以一下子變成通脹的。

  4. Joe,

    因為佢在鬧人: 以為股市跌金價就會升的人, 走去買黃金會失敗 !
    佢想人跟佢報告去炒賣, 所以依家要沽金, 等10月1日後美債爆才去買金買美股 !
    到時才去搶實金, 可能1粒都買唔到. @_@ !!
    LPM 實金都差不多清倉, 依家去買好多都要預訂, 但是Kitco 就還有金幣/金條賣 !

  5. 明白!利之所在!不知美國那邊情況如何?

  6. 等9月30日聯邦政府得唔得到錢運用 !
